Gentlemen, have you ever had your wife completely turn down your advances, seem completely disinterested in your attempts to woo her, and instead be totally annoyed with you? If your answer is yes, then you’re meant to read this. Why might she be reacting in this...
How To Talk To Your Teen About Pornography
Imagine this: You stand outside your teen’s bedroom door. You knock a few times and there’s no answer. A few moments pass by and you knock again. All is quiet. You make an executive decision to enter the room. As the door opens, you find your teenager sitting down...
Help! Is A Healthy Dating Relationship Even Possible Anymore?!
Dating is easy today, right? Hardly. It’s never been easy; but especially in a social media world—and after the pandemic, nothing can be taken for granted. This is literally uncharted territory. And yet, human nature remains fundamentally the same in so many...
When Should Parents Start Teaching Theology Of The Body To Their Children?
Parents often wonder when they should begin teaching the Theology of the Body (TOB) to their children…the answer is: In the womb! Yes, that means talking to your unborn child who begins to hear and recognize voices—your body matters to the unborn child. “The Body...
3 Ways To Grow In Chastity Before Marriage
Chaste dating is no walk in the park, but it is possible. We’ve been in relationships in the past that were unchaste and ended very badly. When we started courting, we didn’t want to repeat the same habits from our past relationships, so we had to do things...
Christian Singer Gets Slammed For “Modest Is Hottest” Song…Your Thoughts?
Contemporary Christian artist Matthew West (known for songs “Hello My Name Is” and "Happy") released a song titled "Modest Is Hottest" on June 18 that has received both criticism and support. The father of two daughters shared the intention behind his new song on...
5 Essential Tips For Young Adult Men To Live A Pure Life
Let’s face it. Purity is not always the easiest virtue to cultivate. And our culture isn’t giving young men any breaks! But the battle against lust is one that every Catholic man must fight. While that fight looks different for...
What Is Sex For?
What is the purpose of intimacy? This question is at the heart of the video "Theology of the Body (Catholic Sexuality). The Church's teaching about sex is a topic that probably garners the most attention in today's culture. Why? Because the idea of waiting until...
12 Essential Keys To Help Christians Understand Same-Sex Attraction
Let’s start out by saying that when we talk about same-sex attraction, what’s important is acceptance and tolerance. We aren’t talking about “tolerating” others as if there was a fundamental distinction between them and us. We are only talking about us. For those who...
Pro-Lifers: Contraception Isn’t The Answer You’re Looking For
Some pro-lifers believe contraceptives are a necessary tool for helping prevent abortions. To many, it seems logical. Contraceptives prevent unwanted pregnancies. No unwanted pregnancies mean no abortions. Therefore, many people believe contraception is the answer to...
A Big List Of Saints From Big Families
When I'm out and about running errands with my children, it's inevitable that someone will comment on the size of my family. Are they all yours? Were you trying for the girl? My, you've got your hands full! And, my personal favorite, you do know how that happens,...
Is Waiting For “The One” Really Worth It?
Today’s society makes us doubt that finding a well-rounded, virtuous, faithful, Christ-like spouse is possible. As the popularity of one-night-stands increases, both women and men are left wondering if anyone exists who will see them and treat them as a child of the...
6 Points To Help You Understand How To Live A Chaste Marriage
When I was dating and engaged, I often wondered what chastity in marriage looked like. Having just celebrated my fourth wedding anniversary with my dear husband, and also having counseled couples in a faith-based therapy setting, here are a handful of takeaways that...
Does God Make People Gay? A Priest Responds
Does God make people gay? Due to some comments allegedly made by Pope Francis, this question is on many people's minds. Is our sexual attraction determined even before birth by our Creator or is it something we choose as a result of life's circumstances? Many...
Green Sex: What is it? (And Why We All Should Care!)
Healthier and more holistic approaches to lifestyle and diet abound. Diet fads come and go, certainly, but a steadily increasing demand for ‘organic’ products is evidence that as a consumer base we’re looking for healthier and less processed food and lifestyle to go...
Want To Marry A Man Who Loves God? Do This 1 Thing Now!
The Culture Project has been producing some amazing videos that answer the questions so many of us have about relationships, chastity, and learning to accept yourself. The video featured today contains practical advice for those who are waiting on a man who loves...
Top 5 Myths About Catholic Virgins
Living a life of chastity is probably one of the most challenging calls of Catholic disciples today! There are so many myths regarding what it means to be a virgin - and what it means to simply be a person who embraces a life of chastity. Since chastity is quite...
How Far Is Too Far? Answers To Teens’ Toughest Questions On Dating And Sex
In this high school assembly, Jason Evert and Crystalina Padilla (not yet married at the time) offer straight answers to teens' toughest questions on dating, relationships, and how to have romance without regret. Through their humor, honesty, and powerful testimonies,...
A Mother’s Letter to her Daughter who is “Accidentally” Pregnant
My dear girl: Yesterday after we talked I was devastated. Forgive me, but the pain and anger won me over. Where was I? Could it be I never listened to what you told me? So many reprimands, so much guilt for not taking better care of you, for not being more clear and...
This Animation Shows How Quickly The Culture Destroys Women
This insightful animation from Moondog Animation Studios is a part of the Willy Grunch series. Willy Grunch "is a carefree philosophizing poet happily stumbling through life… He’s not so different than everybody else, but we get to laugh at our own misery at his...
11 Rules For When You Are Absolutely Sick Of Today’s Dating Scene
Although I barely listen to any pop music, even I couldn’t fail to notice this single that has spent seven weeks in the UK charts and made it to number one two weeks in a row here in Britain this summer. Dua Lipa’s track “New Rules” is undoubtedly catchy, but it’s the...
The Blog Posts You Need To Read For NFP Week
In the United States, it is officially #NFPWEEK. Understanding why the Church encourages the use of Natural Family Planning (NFP) can be a very difficult concept for many Catholics to embrace. Take the time to read some of the teachings of the Church that explain the...
We’ve Found Your New Favorite Catholic Vlogger! 8 Videos from Emily Wilson on Happiness, Dating, and Chastity
We’re a big fan of Emily Wilson’s ministry here at Catholic-Link, and we’re excited to share some of our favourite videos with you. Emily Wilson is a Catholic musician and speaker, and also has a popular Youtube channel where she covers a range of topics in an...
This Animated Short Film Shows That Love Truly Lived Gives Color To Life
Today I present to you a romantic short film about a journalist who falls in love with a girl in the comics section. And yes, this is an appropriate topic for a Catholic Resources website. I believe there are some elements in this short film worth reflecting upon....
10 Things That Happen When You Commit To Chastity In Your Life
In the timeless Broadway classic "Les Miserables," character Fantine wraps up Victor Hugo's epic saga with one golden line: "To love another person is to see the face of God." Hugo's words greatly echo Saint Pope John Paul II's extremely popular lecture series called...