Archaic. Backward. Ignorant. That’s what some people think of tradition. They outright reject it purely for the sake of rejecting it, but that’s as bad as following tradition without knowing what makes each tradition so wonderful. When I hear tradition, I either...
Catholic Teaching
Looking for a Way to Explain Natural Family Planning? 5 (Short) Videos to Help!
July 25th is the anniversary of Humanae Vitae, the papal encyclical which explains the Catholic Church’s teaching on marriage, sex, and responsible parenthood. It is estimated that 87% of Catholic women use a method of contraception instead of practicing Natural...
This Excellent Video Will Help You Understand Confession has produced another excellent video that helps to understand and explain the sacrament of confession. If you go to their website they also offer viewing guides and other tools that can help to complete the learning experience. Sophia Sketchpad:...
Does The Catholic Church Believe Sex Is A Sin?
How can you follow a Church that still believes that sex is a sin? This is the question one friend asks of another and thus begins a fantastic overview of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. Theology of the Body (TOB) is much more than just a theology of sex in the...