There are Catholics who marry Catholics and who live a wonderful life. There are Catholics who marry Catholics who end up in divorce. There are Catholics who marry non-Catholics who lose their faith. And there are Catholics who marry non-Catholics whose spouses...
Catholic dating
Is Waiting For “The One” Really Worth It?
Today’s society makes us doubt that finding a well-rounded, virtuous, faithful, Christ-like spouse is possible. As the popularity of one-night-stands increases, both women and men are left wondering if anyone exists who will see them and treat them as a child of the...
Five Benefits of Dating Catholic
Relationships are so many things: wonderful, difficult, adventurous, etc. What about Godly? A relationship that glorifies Jesus Christ? Well, we are meant to glorify our King in all that we say and do, in every aspect of our lives. What about dating men and women who...
When A Catholic Falls In Love: 8 Crazy Situations We’ve All Experienced
Raise your hand, those of you who’ve never fallen in love! I’m certain we can’t hear a peep. We have all fallen in love. We know how beautiful it is and how nice it feels to experience love towards another person. Catholics and non-Catholics fall in love, do crazy...
A Love Letter To My Future Wife
Dear Future Wife, It’s funny to write this letter, and yet not know if you will ever read it… Because where should I send it? I have no address for you. No phone number on which to contact you. Facebook and WhatsApp are of no use, and Skype and Instagram will not...