It's that time of year once again when we're frantically searching for the perfect gifts for our loved ones. If you have a Catholic in your life to buy for, we've made it easy on you with this incredible list of the best Catholic gifts this year. When you buy from...
Catholic Christmas Gifts
Best Catholic Gifts For Kids Gift
The Christmas season can be a tough time of year for Catholic parents. It's difficult to avoid the materialism and consumerism that surrounds this holiday. If you're looking to keep the focus on Christ, consider buying Catholic gifts for your child. The gifts on our...
31 Christmas Presents You Don’t Need To Buy
If you’ve even been in a relationship workshop, like Pre-Cana for engaged couples, you’d heard of the five love languages: physical touch, words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, and gifts. In our consumerism culture, we tend to rely on gifts, especially...
Over 115 Of The Best Catholic Gifts
We've compiled ALL of our favorite Catholic gifts for this year into one guide! This year we will select five of our email subscribers to win each category of gifts. If you're not a subscriber, click here to make sure you have a chance to win. We thank each of these...
Best Catholic Gifts For The Home
We invite you to browse through our favorite gifts for your Catholic home! Remember, when you support these Catholic businesses you are helping Catholic families and ministries evangelize through their work. We thank each Catholic vendor featured on our Catholic-Link...
Women’s Catholic Gifts Ultimate Guide
We invite you to browse through our favorite gifts for Catholic women. Remember, when you support these Catholic businesses you are helping Catholic families and ministries evangelize. We thank each Catholic vendor featured on our Catholic-Link Gift Guide for all...
Catholic Gifts For Men Gift Guide
We invite you to browse through our favorite gifts for Catholic men. Though we would love for you to WIN these gifts, we encourage you to purchase some as well. Remember, when you support these Catholic businesses you are helping Catholic families and ministries...
Our Favorite Catholic Gifts For Foodies
Catholic Gifts For The Foodie Monk’s Bread Deluxe Gift Box is a fan favorite appearing in our Catholic Gift Guide year after year! This year they are giving away the Monks’ Deluxe Gift Box. The box includes: 3 loaves of Monks’ Bread, 4...
Catholic Gifts For Men: Dad, Brothers, Uncles, Priests!
These are some of our favorite Catholic gifts for the men in your life. Priests, grandpas, brothers...they are all bound to love this incredible collection of Catholic Men's Gifts. Give a gift that will lead those you love closer to Christ and support these amazing...
Best Catholic Gifts For Kids
These are some of our favorite Catholic gifts for kids that are perfect for Christmas, birthdays, First Communion, and more! Best Catholic Gifts For Kids (Updated!) Don't forget to enter to win a prize package of Catholic gifts for kids valued at over $500 HERE! Erica...
50+ Of The Best Catholic Gifts
Enter Giveaway Here! ( a Rafflecopter giveaway It's time for our favorite Catholic Gifts Giveaway of the year at! It is such a joy to work with each of these faith-filled small businesses and share their amazing Catholic gifts with our...
Stop Asking Kids This Question During Christmas…Try This Instead!
Without fail, whether it’s at the grocery store or at a family party, my kids will get asked the same question over and over and over again this time of year. What do you want for Christmas? I know people are just being kind and they really enjoy hearing about...
The Ultimate Catholic Gift Guide
Catholic-Link is pleased to present the Ultimate Catholic Gift Guide and GIVEAWAY for another year. This list is better than ever before. Some of our classic favorites are back...because you can't go wrong with AMAZING...and we've added new ideas too. The best part?!...
3 Christmas Gift Ideas From the Heart Of A Seminarian
I love gifts. I love giving them, and I sure as heck love receiving them too. But a few years ago, I learned a lesson that gifts that come straight from one heart to another are treasured a lot more than what’s usually found under a Christmas tree (more on that...
The Top 35 Catholic Christmas Gifts
This time of year is when many people start frantically searching for the perfect gift for every person on their list. It can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and draining. Many times we lose the joy and peace that comes with Christmas because we are so worried about...
Can You Ace An Advent Quiz Designed For Catholic Kids?
Many of us have participated in Advent activities since we were young children. Traditions such as the Advent wreath and Jesse tree bring memories of childhood, but do we really know the meaning behind them? Don't let the season of Advent pass you by without taking a...
5 Ways Jesus Shows Us How To Be A Good Gift Giver
I recently spoke to a group of youth here in Italy and asked: "How long does the pleasure from getting something like a new iPhone last?" Surprisingly –or perhaps not– more than one (in different situations) responded: "2 weeks." How often is that we break our backs...
Christmas: The Most Absurd Claim in History?! This Video Explains it All
The very idea of Christmas is completely absurd. The mighty God as a little baby?! That's the most outrageous claim of any Faith in history. Yet, if God is love, nothing else would do. A great reflection by Christopher Stefanick. A Child Is Born...