Marriage is truly an adventure that requires careful packing. After saying "yes," you leave your childhood home, bid your farewells, say your see-you-laters (definitely not goodbyes), pack your entire life into a handful of suitcases, and embark on a new journey with...
How Important Is The Catechism To The Catholic Church?
Something deeply rooted in human nature pushes us to seek understanding. We want to know why we exist, how we find happiness, and what happens when we die. St. Augustine understood that the answer to our questions lies in God. He believed faith in God brings a...
To Prevent Future Scandal In The Catholic Church, Catholics Must Promote Church Teachings
With recent news exposing the Catholic Church’s cover-up of the sexual abuse of over 1,000 minors in Pennsylvania and mishandling of the abusive Cardinal Theodore McCarrick—which allegedly worked its way up to Pope Francis himself—Catholics worldwide are demanding...
10 Things Most People Don’t Know About Catholics
A video by Spirit Juice Studios titled 10 Things You Might Not Know About Catholics. We hope you will be inspired to learn more about the history of the Catholic Church because of the ten facts revealed in this video. "The difficulty of explaining...
Parable Reenacted: Jesus Heals A Paralyzed Man
n this contemporary re-enactment of Mark 2:1-12, we see the need for us to bring each other to Christ for forgiveness and healing. And again he entered into Capharnaum after some days. And it was heard that he was in the house. And many came...