A few weeks back we presented a post for those who don't feel to comfortable with the whole relationship with Mary. Today, we would like to continue to explain and dive into what our relationship with Mary is all about. As Mother of Christ, Mary is our mother as...
EWTN Interviews Catholic-Link About Our Viral Saint John Paul II Cartoon
Days before the launch of our video, "Saint John Paul II, the Life of a Holy Pope", we were invited by EWTN and Catholic News Agency (CNA) to participate in an interview about the project. We had no idea that our Saint John Paul II Cartoon would go viral! Check...
St. John Paul II, The Life Of A Holy Pope (Animated Video)
What led St. John Paul II to greatness? Was it because of his apostolic success, his impressive figure, or his untiring travels? Why is he so beloved by Catholics? No doubt, all this is important, but it isn't enough. John Paul the II has been recognized a saint for a...