Congratulations! Your Lord and Savior has been conceived! Due Date: December 25th Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the fiat of Mary, the Savior has been conceived. Not only is he fully God, He is now fully man as well. ...
Birth of Christ
‘Journey to Bethlehem’ Movie Review
Join Drew and Katie Taylor on Catholic-Link as they provide a detailed movie review of "Journey to Bethlehem." Discover the aspects they loved about the film and the important warnings they have for viewers. In some ways the movie falls short of theological truths...
How Jesus’s Birth Leads The Way To Heaven
When you rock climb, the routes or ways you get up the wall are called a problem. You spend time trying to solve the problem, figuring out where your hands and feet go to complete the route. When there is a hard problem to solve, I often watch others climb and try to...
5 (FREE!) Advent Resources That Will Help You Focus On Jesus
This year's Advent season will be the shortest possible Advent. With Christmas on a Monday, the fourth week of Advent is only one day! This means that you need to make the most of your twenty-two days of preparation for the Birth of Christ. We have five incredible...
10 Great Quotes To Help You Reflect On The True Meaning Of Christmas
Sometimes it can feel as though we live two separate Christmas experiences. One is an endless round of parties, presents, food and socializing, the bright lights, late nights and overindulging at the forefront. The other Christmas experience is the truth and beauty of...
How is it possible for me to experience the Birth of Jesus today? (Benedict XVI)
“Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am glad to welcome you at the General Audience a few days before the celebration of the Lord’s Birth. The greeting on everyone’s lips in these days is “Happy Christmas! Best wishes for the Christmas festivities!”. Let us ensure that in...