There are two things we often forget about sin: that it is timeless and that it is optional. Sadly, in the modern world, we often treat temptation as though it is far more challenging now than it was in the past. While the proliferation of technology indeed...
The First Text Message: 5 Ways To Engage Youth With Scripture
I had fifty eyes glaring back at me with exhaustion and boredom. It was my first foray into a Catholic middle school classroom as a guest teacher for religion. I was twenty-one years old, relatively “hip” by preadolescent standards, and one week on the job as a new...
How A Stuffed Animal Taught Me To Read My Bible
Did you ever have that toy as a child that you took wherever you went? Mine was a stuffed monkey named Mooch. I don’t know why it was my favorite, but I brought him everywhere for years until I lost it. Needless to say I was a nervous wreck for a few weeks after...
How To Hear God’s Voice When Life Is Busy
As human beings, we all long for a deeper connection with God. We want to hear His voice, feel His presence, and know that He is with us in our daily lives. But how can we achieve this? How can we hear God's voice amidst the noise and chaos of our busy lives? Here are...
The Future of Higher Education w/ Dr. John Bergsma
Drew and Katie Taylor sit down with Dr John Bergsma to discuss it, the future of higher education, how to fall in love with scripture.
Is It AI (Artificial Intelligence) Or A Verse From The Bible? Take our QUIZ!
In this digital age, where information is readily accessible at our fingertips, we are faced with a new challenge: discerning the truth amidst the vast sea of online content. As a Catholic, our faith calls us to seek truth and embrace it. However, we must recognize...
5 Reasons To Read The Word Of God Daily
The Bible has undergone something of a revival in recent years. The Canadian psychologist, Jordan Peterson, drew global appeal with his lengthy YouTube commentaries on the book of Genesis. Fr. Mike Schmitz’s ‘Bible in a Year’ podcast maintained over 400,000 daily...
What Do Catholics Need To Know About Reading The Bible?
What is the Bible? What is the Bible? Where did it come from? The Bible is not one book. It is a library. It is 73 books consisting of various literary genres. There is history, romance, poetry, inspiration, drama, and so much more. In every single page, we believe...
30 Things Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival
What Do Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival? A Crucifix in every room Rosary for every family member Pray the rosary daily Beeswax candles Holy Water frequently sprinkled and available for blessing St. Benedict medals worn and placed around one's home and property,...
Pray The Gospels In 30 Days? Here’s How It’s Possible…
The Gospels are the first four books of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. These books teach us facts about Jesus’ life and share valuable lessons we can learn from the true stories of Christ's life here on earth. To really understand the faith,...
Why Journal Your Prayer Time?
Whether you prefer morning, afternoon, or evening prayer time, keeping a journal along with your spiritual reading offers many benefits. Drew and Katie Taylor recently sat down with Kelly Wahlquist and Allison Gingras from WINE: Women in the New Evangelization to...
Discovering The Eucharist On Every Page Of The Bible
“Parousia: The Bible and the Mass” We are proud to share with you a phenomenal Bible study series at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology called “Parousia: The Bible and the Mass” hosted by Dr. Scott Hahn. Beautifully presented, impeccably edited, with masterful...
What Catholics Should Look For When Buying A Bible
What is the Bible? Before we can really answer the question of which Bible to buy, we have to investigate a bigger question: “What is the Bible?” The Bible is more of a library than it is one book. It contains seventy-three books of various literary genres. In the...
Seriously. How Do I Pray With Scripture?
When I think of prayer, I often picture myself sitting there, asking for answers, waiting, and trying to hear or see a reply. Or maybe I am on the run and throw out a quick thank you, help me with x please, or a prayer for a friend's request. But in reality, what...
8 Bible Verses That Inspire Kids To Be Brave
These days, we all need a little extra help finding our brave. Teach your children that when fear surrounds us, we can look to the Word of God to find our strength. Pray these scripture verses together as a family and work together to memorize them. 8 Bible Verses...
Aid To The Church In Need Offers Free Children’s Bible Read Alouds
Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is working to share the Gospel with children and families who are spending more time at home during the coronavirus pandemic. They have recruited twenty-five bishops and several lay leaders from the UK to produce video read alouds of...
These Bible Verses Will Help You Decide How To Spend Lent
These Bible Verses Will Help You Decide How To Spend Lent Catholic-Link Lent Resources
5 Bible Verses To Write In Your Child’s Lunch Box
Every year, no matter how old my children get, I take a sharpie and write a bible verse on the inside of their lunch box. I prayerfully choose a verse that they will be able to read each day, with the goal of having it memorized by the end of the year. For the younger...
11 Ways To Integrate Your Faith Into Your Everyday Life
I’ll be the first to admit that integrating the Catholic faith into my everyday life isn’t always easy.Okay, that’s an understatement. It’s far from easy. The number of things I have to do every daycan sometimes leave no room for God. Did I just say that?No room for...
15 Catholic Bible Verses You Can Easily Memorize
Do you have any Catholic Bible verses memorized? If we really believe in the power of the Word of God, we should make an effort to study it, understand it, and memorize it. It is a gift that we have been given to help us in our faith. It is very useful in...
5 Habits Of People Who Have A Good Prayer Life
Some of the most frequent questions we get at Catholic-Link are about prayer. Our readers want to know: How Do I Pray? When Should I Pray? What Can I Do To Improve My Prayer Life? We have a library of resources for you on prayer to help answer those questions,...
4 Things To Love About The Catholic Family Crate
I was recently blessed with the opportunity to try out the new subscription box service Catholic Family Crate and I am beyond impressed. I have to confess that I have a secret obsession with these types of subscription boxes. I've given all types a try - from...
4 Practical Ways to Stay Connected to Jesus
1. Build a Daily Practice of Prayer (even if it means praying in the bathroom) Prayer is simply a conversation with Jesus. Of course, formal times of prayer are spiritually beneficial, however, daily life can sometimes make them impossible. While a simple chat with...
Mercy and Judgment: A Biblical Conflict
Deep within the Christian debate over sin lies a conflict between two recurring themes in the Bible: judgment and mercy. On the one hand, Jesus says, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be...
6 Promises Of God Every Christian Should Know
It's important that Christians know the Word of God and write it on their hearts. In times of trouble, stress, and despair, it is the God's promises that give us hope. The scriptures remind us that with our eyes fixed on Christ we can weather any storm that comes our...