Lets be real, we have always wondered why Christ was baptized…here is your opportunity to find out.
How To Choose Godparents For Your Child
Parenthood Parents, you are indispensable in the life of your child. You as mother or father have a God-given authority and duty to your child. The Fourth Commandment states: “Honor your father and mother (cf. Deut. 5:16; Mk. 7:10).” After God Himself, in the family,...
The Baptism Of The Lord: From The Jordan To Life In The Spirit
As the Church celebrates the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord, the Body of Christ is invited to not only reflect on the event of Jesus’ Baptism, but also to reflect on the mystery of our own Baptism. The beginning of Jesus’ public ministry is marked by His baptism....
An Open Letter To My Baptized Infant
Dear Child, My parents baptized me three months after I was born. I don’t remember it. I wasn’t asked if I wanted to be baptized or not, nor would I have been able to understand or respond. And, I’m grateful that they did. We decided to do the same for you. We...
25 Ways To Be A Great Long-Distance Godparent
So you’re a godparent? Congratulations! But, your beloved godchild lives miles away… how will you ever have a strong spiritual mentorship to him or her? Well, God, the Father lives in Heaven and His love still surrounds us constantly. Through Him all things are truly...
Why Should You Get Your Baby Baptized? 7 Important Reasons
Why is it so important to get your baby baptized? From the moment of conception, parents begin to experience all of the emotions that come with welcoming a new life into this world. Though there is plenty of joy and excitement, there can also be feelings of...
7 Ways To Be A Godparent | Catholic-Link.org
When we are baptized, a special pair of adults are chosen in addition to our parents to be our spiritual guides. Personally, my godparents go above and beyond the call in their commitment to this vital role in a child's life. I’ve watched how they love...
What’s The Big Deal About Baptism?
Our baptismal promises – promises that were made at one particular and special moment in our lives, yet through this sacrament’s indelible spiritual mark, do and must continue to shape our life. As Catholics, by way of reminder, we situate our reflection on the...