After a career change, I had the privilege of beginning my teaching career this past year at St. John Paul II High School in Avondale, AZ which is run by the Sisters of St. Cecilia, better known as the “Nashville Dominicans.” I was blown away by the fidelity of the...
The Drama of Our Masks
“I was still laughing as I dressed up, and in the process I completely forgot what I had intended to represent. No matter; it was novel and exciting not to decide till afterward before the mirror. The face I fastened on had a singularly hollow smell; it lay tight over...
Happiness Is Only Real When Shared? A Catholic Bible Study On Mk 10: 2-16
I recently saw Into the Wild, a film that came out in 2007 that tells the true story of a young man who, after graduating from college, left his family and his bourgeois world in search of happiness, thinking that he could find it in a state of total isolation from...
What Your Daughter Needs To Be Taught About Beauty
Today's video is a graphically intense warning to all parents: your child, whether you want it or not, will be placed under the influence of a level of graphic intoxication that will change their lives. Complete avoidance of exposure is practically impossible. How,...