I hope this finds you well. Before we get into the particulars, please allow me to take a brief moment to simply affirm you … right here, right now. Thank you for stepping up to coach. It often goes unrecognized but to coach means to make a decision: to lead others,...
10 Ways Sport Positively Impacts Mental Health And Helps Develop Spiritual Disciplines 
Connotations surrounding sport can differ greatly. While sport has traditionally been a welcomed activity, it has more recent added benefits of being a terrific distraction from newer technology trends in the younger generations. This trend has been followed by other...
4 Olympic Athletes Who Ask The Blessed Mother For Help
By now, you've probably been drawn into the competition, the passion, and the excitement of the Summer Olympics taking place in Toyko. The athletes are an inspiration to all as they give everything they have to the sport that they have spent many hours perfecting....
Sr. Mary Jo Throws A Curve Ball That Stuns The Internet
Sr. Mary Jo Sobieck is the latest nun making sports news on the internet. Her "perfect pitch" has caught the attention of every major news outlet, is fascinating viewers on social media, and was even featured on ESPN's sports highlights. Check it out what the Chicago...
After A Saturday Night At The Bar, He Made Sure His Friends Went To Mass On Sunday
The beautiful story of Joe Reali has been featured in Everyday Heroes, a new video mini-series produced by the Knights of Columbus. Joe's life is an inspiration to Catholics young and old. He lived his faith to the fullest each day with zeal and passion for God....
Even Patriots Fans Will Agree With The Goal Of The Eagles Zach Ertz
We're not taking sides for the big game, but we are in complete agreement with the faith goals of Philadelphia Eagles tight end Zach Ertz. Join us in praying that Ertz leads others to Christ through his witness to the faith. We thank God for athletes that realize the...
5 Inspiring Stories Of People Who Overcame All Odds To Succeed
"There's no such thing as can't!" This phrase will be familiar to many of us from our childhoods, probably met with an eye-roll and stomping off upstairs to finally clean our room. But in this video the phrase has been taken to heart as a powerful and...
Meet Two Former Olympians Now Leading Others to Religious Vocations
Throughout the Olympics, I have grown attached to some of the athletes competing for Gold. Many of them quickly went from names I had never heard of to people I desperately wanted to see win. I'll admit that after the Olympics conclude I probably won't continue to...
MS Hasn’t Stopped Her From Running The Race
Lately I’ve been a bit jaded about sports, even as someone who grew up playing all kinds, and enjoying them as both a participant and a spectator. I’ve found myself thinking that all sports are on steroids these days (literally and figuratively speaking), and...