When I was a boy Soviet Russia and Red China were the great atheistic superpowers. It was part of their avowed plan to stamp out religion in all its forms. Seminaries and religious schools were closed. The printing of Bibles and religious books was banned. Christian...
Pope Francis’ Powerful Response To A Young Boy’s Question: “Is My Atheist Father In Heaven?”
There are really no words to add to this incredibly moving video of the Holy Father responding to the question of a young boy who wanted to know if his father non-believing father is now in heaven. The beauty, the gentleness, the compassion of Pope Francis should be...
3 Keys To Draw Loved Ones Back To God
How can you help fallen-away family members return to the Lord? Many of us ache over our loved ones' separation from God, be it through ignorance, stubbornness, woundedness, or otherwise, but we feel inadequate in our attempts to draw them to faith. We present a...
3 Conversion Stories That Encourage You To Never Give Up On Your Atheist Friends
The Proclamation of Easter has one of the greatest expressions that help us understand our faith: “O happy fault.” To all of us who have had a “Before Christ” past, these three words show that, despite not having always done right, God’s love is greater than our...
An Atheist Asks “How Can Goodness Be Possible If I Have No God?”
Just recently, I found myself in an unexpected conversation with an atheist. It wasn’t our difference in faith, per se, that made the encounter unique. Rather, it was the fact that our disparate religious views actually came to the fore in the conversation. What I...