Fifty years is a lifetime for most people. Fifty years in the same profession is almost incomprehensible in the modern age. Priesthood, however, is not a career. It is a vocation, and one that a priest takes seriously. As a lifelong commitment, it is akin to marriage,...
Raising A Saint: 2 Essential Lessons From Holy Mothers
In one of his most famous dreams, St. Don Bosco saw a large ship being attacked by smaller ships. Eventually, the Holy Father steered the larger ship, which represented the Church, safely between two pillars: the Blessed Mother and the Holy Eucharist. Like the Holy...
11 Of The Best *New* Catholic Children’s Books
Have you noticed an abundance of great Catholic media and books being produced? We certainly have! It's inspiring to see new incredible Catholic content being made available to the faithful. Here are a few of our favorite Catholic Children's books that have recently...
Can Moms Volunteer? 9 Tips To Make It Work
Volunteering is incredibly beneficial to our spiritual growth. Serving in the community provides opportunities to focus on the needs of others, challenges us in new ways, develops virtues, and encourages us to pray more. But, once you become a mom, isn't your family...
Austin Hatch Is A Living Miracle And His Advice To College Grads Is Going Viral
If you're not yet familiar with the story of Austin Hatch, you will be. This young man is on the path to greatness. Not because of what he's doing, but because of the way he is letting God work within him. Austin is a survivor of not one, but two fatal plane...
6 Ways You Are Probably Doing Christmas Wrong
I’m sorry that we used such a click-baity title because really we just want you to have the best Christmas possible. So here are 7 ways you (might) be doing Christmas (a little bit) wrong. But better still, here are 7 ways to make your Christmas holier, happier and...
6 Things You Can Do To Make The Most Of Your Time With Your Children
I've never understood those commercials that always pop-up around this time of year showing parents rejoicing as they send kids back-to-school . Of course, by the end of summer, I'm completely exhausted, but I never feel ecstatic about the start of a new school...
What Helps When You’re Doubting The Faith? Advice From Our Team
What helps you when you have doubts about your faith? Doubts come to everyone, they are part-and-parcel of the concept of faith, but that does not mean that we are powerless against them. What we do when we experience doubts is very important. Doubts can point us in...
Five Seconds of Awkward That Could Save Lives (and Souls!)
You might remember her from Dancing with the Stars or follow her on YouTube. In this video, Sadie Robertson, a Duck Dynasty family member, explains why "five seconds of awkward" saves lives. But, five seconds of awkward is worth it! Her five simple circumstances where...
Pope Francis Gave A TED Talk And The Internet Is Loving It!
The Pope Francis TED talk is trending all over the news today. Filmed at the Vatican, the talk debuted during TED's international conference in Vancouver on Tuesday night. It was a surprise for all who attended. Media coverage from CNN to the Huffington Post has been...
What Are Girls Made Of? We Share Our Advice For Young Girls
“What are girls made of?” That’s the question this Nike commercial asks. “Made of flowers and rings, gossip and marmalade, that is what our girls are made of,” is the response in a traditional song that the young girl in the ad responds with. The audience nods...
I Am Not That Girl: A Letter Of Advice To My 16-Year-Old-Self
There is a lot of well-founded emotion in this Buzzfeed spoken-word video “I Am Not That Girl”. There is honesty, and not a trace of self-pity as the narrator says: “having a lack of male attention in this world is seen as an abnormality, is seen as less than womanly....
6 Things Children Learn When You Skip Mass On Sundays
It doesn’t take long for us parents to realize that our children absorb everything we do and say. I remember the first time I heard my two year old let out a long sigh and say “Oh, my gosh. I can’t even.” Her tone and expression were exactly like mine. Sometimes you...
16 Things The Church Should Be Helping Single Mothers Understand
Being a single mother is one of the most difficult challenges that a woman can ever face. And I know, I am part of the club. It might be because you made the choice – perhaps the man by your side wouldn't be a good example for your children, or because of divorce,...
Quiz: Which Saint Will “Get” Your Problems?
Have you ever wanted to talk to someone who has been through some of the same trials, struggles and situations in life that you are currently facing? It always seems to help to speak with a person who “gets” it. The advice and empathy they give is unlike anyone else’s...
15 Powerful Prayers You Can Say In Just 15 Seconds!
There have been many days when I was on the verge of losing my mind due to obsessive tattling, the never-ending muddy footprints on my hardwood floors and the bloodcurdling shriek of a toddler being tortured by her big brothers. During those moments, I could only...
8 Times “Bad Moms” Actually Taught Us About Being Good Moms
I recently went to see Bad Moms and, yes, I should probably make plans to go to Confession at some point this week after watching it. The Catholic News Service rated the movie as an "O - morally offensive" and that rating is definitely accurate. The film is morally...
8 Contributions Christians Can Make To The World (According to Saint Francis of Assisi)
The main characteristic that distinguishes a Christian from a person of a different religious denomination is true love. This consists in feeling deeply loved by God, and loving Him in return, above all things. From this conception of life derives other...
Kirk Cameron’s Controversial “Archaic” Marriage Advice
Both the media and Twitter users have decided to tear Kirk Cameron apart for his views about marriage that he recently shared in an interview with The Christian Post. Cameron is best known for his role in the 80’s sitcom Growing Pains but has more recently starred in...
The Day I Realized I Was 40 And Had No Idea How I Got There
Let’s start with some frank admissions: My name is Samuel. I’m a white, British male in my early forties, a teacher in a provincial town, somewhere near London that you’ve never heard of. I’ve been married for twelve years and I live in an average, middle class...
5 Catholic Websites Every Mom Must Visit (Updated!)
"We used to talk on the phone ALL the time." This is my favorite quote from the WhatsUpMoms "Friends Without Kids" video. I stopped talking on the phone once unlimited texting was made available. Actual talking on the phone means that others can hear...
Is Getting Enough Sleep A Spiritual Discipline? Fr. Mike Schmitz Enlightens Us
Fr. Mike Schmitz from Ascension Presents gives this awesome talk about getting to bed and getting enough rest. Most of the people I know have issues sleeping... night owls, early risers, and plenty with insomnia. What are we doing to our bodies and how is it affecting...
That One Time Jesus Got Lost…And What It Taught Me About Parenting
Each year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover, and when he was twelve years old, they went up according to festival custom. After they had completed its days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, but his parents...
5 Tips for Spending Alone Time with your Girlfriend Without Having to go to Confession the Next Day
Imagine this (it’s pure fiction): It’s never happened in real life, so I doubt you’ll be able to identify with this scenario, just imagine it… Your parents are running errands, so you know you’ll have the house all to yourself for a few hours. Your girlfriend is on...
Is It True That “We Are All Addicts”?
“We are all addicts.” I was told this four years ago and have never forgotten it. It was a comment addressed to a group of young Catholic adults by a priest who worked with people who had drug and alcohol addictions. When he said it, I couldn’t believe what he was...