In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George discuss short visits to the Eucharist in our routine. Some people may struggle to do a Holy Hour. This sometimes feels daunting and unattainable. However, Fr. Rob and Fr. George encourage us to make...
Eucharistic Congress with Fr. Rob
In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George share their experiences from the Eucharistic Congress. Father George attended and reflects on some of the formative encounters and joys of the event. Fr. Rob shares an insightful reflection from a...
Poetry To Read During Adoration
Something More There’s something moreBeyond that doorThan what meets the eyeTiny HostWe adore the mostOn the altar there abidesAppears as breadChrist, risen from the dead,The ultimate sacrificeWho we abhor with our sinBy his mercy, He lets us inTo gaze upon Him, pure...
A Poem About The Eucharist By Danielle Erwin
Your flesh dwells within me Your breath my life now be My heart is with one accord Whence receiveth Thy Holy Word Overabundant be Thy Grace In the Holy Eucharist I now face All contained within suffice To sustain me for this life And upon death’s calling The...
Ask The Blessed Mother For Help When Adoring Our Eucharistic Lord
Our Lord Jesus Christ calls to our hearts. He humbles Himself in the form of Bread — a simple Host — in order to be available to us — to remain with us, to heal our wounded hearts, and nourish us with His abiding and incomprehensible Love and Mercy. He gives to us the...
Don’t Be Afraid! | 10 Pope Francis Quotes From World Youth Day The Secular Media Isn’t Sharing
I couldn't help but notice that there wasn't much secular news coverage of this year's World Youth Day celebration in Lisbon. Maybe it's because the media couldn't twist Pope Francis' words out of context as easily as they usually do with our Holy Father? Throughout...
Jesus and Me with Melissa Kirking
Fr. Rob is joined by Melissa Kirking, an author and expert on how to bring Children to Adoration, to discuss her new book, Jesus and Me: Talking with My Greatest Friend.
How To Explain The Eucharist To A Child
Something special is going on in our country right now. I love it! The entire United States is in the midst of a three-year Eucharistic Revival. Think of the long-term impact! What a beautiful time in our Catholic Church for all its members – the oldest all the way to...
Drew and Katie – What is the Eucharist with Tim Glemkowski
What is the National Eucharistic Revival 2022? What does the Catholic Church believe about the Eucharist and how do I have an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist? Tim Glemkowski the Executive Director for the National Eucharistic Congress 2024 answers all this and more.
5 Ways To Engage Children With Jesus | Part 3 Of A Guide To Children’s Adoration
This is the third installment of our series on bringing children to adoration as part of a response to the USCCB’s call for a Eucharistic Revival. In the first part of the series, we looked at why it is both appropriate and important for children to go to adoration....
4.5 Ways To Prepare Your Children For Adoration |Part 2 Of A Guide To Children’s Adoration
Welcome to the second part of our series on bringing children to adoration. In case you missed it, the first part is here. In the first part, we established that not only is it acceptable to bring children before the Lord in adoration, it is, in fact, encouraged....
Two Things That Keep Parents From Bringing Children To Adoration | Part 1 Of A Guide To Children’s Adoration
This year, the USCCB has announced a three-year Eucharistic Revival. The goal of the revival is to draw people to the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith. A significant way that this call for revival is being lived out is through an increase in Eucharistic...
Your Guide To The National Eucharistic Revival Resources
On June 19, 2022, the Feast of Corpus Christi, the United States Council of Catholic Bishops will begin a three-year focus on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist that is intended to be a National Eucharistic Revival! Many resources will be available to help...
I’m Catholic, But I Don’t Believe In The Eucharist | 3 Things To Do Now
Struggling to Believe in the Eucharist? If you are Catholic and struggling to believe in the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist, you are not alone. A Pew Research Center survey suggests: “… nearly seven-in-ten Catholics (69%) say they personally believe that during...
Four Steps For The Eucharistic Revival In The Catholic Church
The Feast of Corpus Christi on June 19, 2022, will mark a special moment in Eucharistic devotion for the United States. The USCCB will launch a multi-year Eucharistic revival which will culminate in a National Eucharistic Congress. Throughout the next three years,...
30 Things Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival
What Do Catholics Need For Spiritual Survival? A Crucifix in every room Rosary for every family member Pray the rosary daily Beeswax candles Holy Water frequently sprinkled and available for blessing St. Benedict medals worn and placed around one's home and property,...
3 Key Steps To Running A Spiritual Marathon
Does becoming a saint seem like running a marathon? In our newest video, we talk with Father Conrad Murphy about how the race we are running is a long one, with many highs and lows but this marathon will result in an accomplishment we can not fully imagine. We are...
People Doing Amazing Things In This Time Of Trial
Though these times are challenging, there are so many people doing amazing things for the Lord. Here is a list of some of the things that we have found to be incredibly inspiring! People Doing Amazing Things In This Time Of Trial Samaritan's Purse Opens A Field...
50 Reasons To Be Catholic
The world will attempt to give you infinite reasons not to be Catholic, but in reality, there are infinite reasons to be Catholic. Here are only fifty brief reasons for us Catholics to remember when we are tempted to give in to negativity: 1. ...
Use The AIR Method To Breathe Life Into Your Prayer
Prayer is like breathing. It’s something that we have to do but it doesn’t totally depend on us. It's not like we make a conscious decision to breathe. With prayer something similar is happening; we put in our part but at the end of the day it's the Holy Spirit...
21 Songs For Eucharistic Adoration And Prayer
When choosing songs for a personal or community time of Adoration, look for those that bring glory and honor to Our Lord, lead us into a deeper knowledge of Him, and help us become more aware of the presence of God. Our Catholic-Link team has come up with a...
Over The Next 95 Days EVERY Diocese In The United States Will Receive This Gift
An incredible new initiative from Adoration Artists, the 177 Project, will bring a Holy Hour to all of the 177 dioceses in the United States over the next ninety-five days in an effort to help Catholics come to know the power of Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist....
Attitude in “How” | Liturgy Live 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgy Live with Fr. Ian Van Heusen and Alanna Burg, join the conversation live on Monday's at 3pm EST on our Catholic Link English Facebook page. Click on the notifications button so you will be alerted when we go Live. Did you know that Liturgy Live has its own...
How I Answered The Question: “What Do You Personally Get Out Of Adoration?”
Someone asked me quite seriously the other day, “What do you personally get out of Adoration?” It was a question that gave me pause. How do I explain? If you already accept the belief that the consecrated Host is in fact Jesus Christ, it seems plain to me that you...
How To Go To Adoration | A Step By Step Visual Guide To The Blessed Sacrament
The first time I visited the Blessed Sacrament, I was eight years old. I did it in the context of the preparation for my First Communion. The sister who was preparing us told us with much reverence and passion that inside the tabernacle was the door to Heaven. At...