Temptations Can Strengthen You! | St. John Chrysostom Quote

by Faith & Life, Spiritual Warfare

“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.”… For since Jesus did and underwent everything with a view to our instruction he likewise consented to be led there and wrestle against the devil in order that every baptized person who, after baptism, has to endure greater temptations may not be troubled as though this outcome were unexpected, but may continue to endure everything nobly as though it were happening in the natural course of things. For indeed, this was the reason you took up arms, not to be idle, but to fight.

For this reason God does not prevent temptations from coming, either. First of all to teach you that you are now much stronger; next, that you may remain humble and not be puffed up by the greatness of your gifts since the temptations have power to repress you; then, in order that that wicked demon, who remains for a while doubtful about your desertion of him,  may be well assured by the touchstone of temptation that you have utterly forsaken and fallen from him; fourthly, that you may in this way be made stronger and better tempered than any steel; fifthly, that you may obtain a clear demonstration of the treasures entrusted to you. For the devil would not have assailed you unless he had seen that you had been brought to greater honor.”

Saint John Chrysostom

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