This Animation Shows How Quickly The Culture Destroys Women

by Faith & Life, Love and Relationships, Morals & Values

This insightful animation from Moondog Animation Studios is a part of the Willy Grunch series. Willy Grunch “is a carefree philosophizing poet happily stumbling through life… He’s not so different than everybody else, but we get to laugh at our own misery at his expense,” and the artists behind this series hope to reach the hearts and minds of youth with a message.

This episode, titled “Star System”, demonstrates just how easy it is to get sucked into the values of the world and leave our own behind. It begins with a girl simply looking through a celebrity magazine. Like most of us, she desires the fame, beauty, and wealth of the stars featured in the pages.

Take a moment to watch how quickly things begin to spin out of her control as she chases after her “dreams”.

“Star System”

Questions For Reflection

  1. Are your dreams really your dreams or do you desire what the world had told you is necessary for happiness?
  2. In what ways was the girl forced to change to fit the mold of a “star”? Why does our culture define beauty in this way?
  3. How was the girl left feeling in the end?
  4. Watch the video again and pay closer attention to Willy Grunch. How was he impacted by the changes in the girl? What do you think this animation is trying to communicate about sexual virtue?

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