Sr. Jean Is The Latest Nun Trending On The Internet…And You’ll Never Guess Why!

by Evangelization, Leadership, Vocation

Sister Jean Dolores Schmidt isn’t in it for the fame, but it sure is coming her way. Not only has she won the hearts of many across the United States, but the basketball team that she has cheered on and prayed with for years has just won a game that will put them into The Sweet Sixteen.

Sr. Jean has served as the team chaplain for Loyola University’s men’s basketball team since 1994 and at ninety-eight years old she is showing no signs of slowing down. Her passion for the game and authentic relationship with the players is what has caught the attention of every national media outlet from ESPN to Business Insider.

Sr. Jean’s Very Own GIF Tweeted By The NCAA



Sr. Jean’s Reaction to the Rambler’s Big Win

Sr. Jean’s Inspirational Story

A Few Fun Facts About Sr. Jean

  • She’s been going to Loyola basketball games since 1962.
  • She has a pair of Nikes with “Sister Jean” embroidered on them.
  • She’s a celebrity on campus. She has a bobblehead made in her likeness and is in Loyola’s Hall of Fame.
  • She predicted her team, the underdog, would win today. They did.

A Witness Of Faith And Joy

Though Sister Jean is an avid basketball fan, that’s not what makes her stand out from the crowd. The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary are very proud of Sr. Jean and the way in which she has witnessed the love of Jesus to so many. Her spiritual connection with the young men on the basketball team and students of Loyola is obvious. After the hitting the final shot in the big win over Tennessee, Clayton Custer gave all the glory to God. Clearly, he had heard that somewhere before!

Sr. Jean has been making an impact on the players she comes into contact with for years, but now the entire nation will have the opportunity to see the joy of Christ within her.

“I hope I’m like that if I make it to 98. She has so much knowledge, she has so much wisdom. She shines bright. Her spirit is so warm and loving,” Donte Ingram told ESPN.

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