Saints aren’t born saints, they are forged in fire. They all started small, very small. Like you or me, they were once babies, children. They cried, whined, spurted food in embarrassing ways, needed diaper changes, etc. They were fragile and vulnerable.
Their first experience of God’s infinite love was a very finite one: a mother’s glance, a kiss on the scraped knee, that fraternal gaze of consolation and security that only a father can give. They underwent the drama of puberty, the paradise of insecurity.
They too woke up in the morning, looked at themselves in the mirror and doubted. Some were smart, some were simpleminded. Some were beautiful, others plain. Some were wealthy, others poor. Some were talented, others ordinary. For some the believing came easy, for others it was Calvary.
But in each case, we can say with Dante, “A mighty flame [followed] a tiny spark.” Invisible to the eye, each one set their gaze upon Jesus Christ, said their “fiat,” and– although each had their own set of difficulties and obstacles– never looked back. What makes them so different from you? What’s holding you back?
What Did The Saints Look Like As Children?
- St. John Paul II Child Pictures
The saints found here are (in this order):
St. Therese, St. Maximilian Koble, St. Katherine Drexel, St. Jose Maria Escriva, St. Gemma, St. John XXIII, St. Padre Pio (See Video), St. Mary Mackillop, St. John Paul II (See Video), St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), St. Bernadette Soubirous, St. Father Hurtado, St. Gianna. (See Video).
In addition: Blessed Pier Giorgio, Beata Chiara, and Mother Theresa (See Video).
We would like to make a special mention of the page I saw the post “Rare Photos of 12 Saints as Children” on and decided that these photos could be a good resource for the apostolate.