Over the years, there have been many films about Mary. Most of them focus on Mary during the life of Jesus, or maybe one of her apparitions. Full of Grace covers a time period that is not frequently seen in films, taking place ten years after the resurrection of Jesus. It shows the life of Mary and the apostles as they deal with the problems of the early Church.

Full of Grace does an amazing job of showing Mary and Peter as real people, not the figures we are used to seeing in stained glass windows. Peter frequently has flashbacks to his days as a fisherman. I think we’ve all had times where we’ve longed for the days when we had fewer responsibilities, but we’ve never taken on a job where our only predecessor is the Son of God! Peter struggles with his own inadequacies as a leader. There is debate over whether the Gentiles should have to follow the Jewish Laws. The local churches are looking for his guidance, and he doesn’t know what to tell them.

Mary is beautifully portrayed as the mother of the early Christian community. She reminds the Apostles of their encounter with the Lord, and the real meaning of faith. “Faith is not about explaining things. It is about living, and breathing, and walking in that light that is upon us.” Sometimes we get caught up in the Law, in the rules, or in what we think we should be experiencing in our faith life, and we can overlook the graces that we have been given. When this happens, we can turn to Mary, our mother, who will gently lead us back to her Son, as she does with the Apostles in this film.

Full of Grace Trailer

“Full of Grace is a deeply peaceful and spiritual movie that gives a rare insight into the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. My hope is that it can be used as a resource for prayer, reflection, and retreats.” – Most Rev. Gerald F. Kicanas
The film was produced by Outside da box, a ministry that strives to create relevant Catholic videos for use in youth ministry.  Catholic-Link has used several from the collection of over 100 short videos they have produced.  They have received several accolades for Full of Grace, including Best Feature Screenplay at the JP2 Inter-faith Film Festival in Miami, FL.  You can find out more about the making of the film, as well as information about hosting a parish night of reflection at the Full of Grace official website.

“Full of Grace is a new genre of film. It is intentionally paced in a manner that draws the viewer into deep spiritual reflection. It takes what we know through scripture and tradition and artfully tells a story with great depth and insight. It causes viewers not only to reflect on the struggles of the characters in the film, but also to ponder their own personal walk with Christ.” – from the Full of Grace  website

Full of Grace is a great reminder that we are all called to be saints, even when we struggle, doubt, or face the problems of everyday life. Hopefully, the film will lead you to a more personal connection to your faith and your relationship with Jesus and Mary. Definitely check it out if you get the chance!

Questions for Reflection:

  • Do I truly see Mary as my mother? Do I turn to her in times of difficulty?
  • Do I trust the Lord to lead me when I am struggling in my faith?

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