While a career is a mode of making a living and contributing to the earthly welfare of the human community, a vocation is a call from the Divine Persons to a way of life. It is a beckoning, an invitation to give oneself totally to another person in accordance with the divine plan. Superficial writers and speakers could have thought of the idea of a temporary vocation only because they were not thinking of vocation at all. They were thinking of a career, an impersonal commitment to a job to be done. To be head over heels in love as a divine invitation seems to have escaped their vision of the evangelical counsels.
Fr. Dubay

Have Peace, Jesus Won! | John 16:33
"I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world." –John 16:33 Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash