Video: 5 Powerful Quotes From Pope Francis

by Catholic Media, Holy Father, Pope Francis

Today’s video is a great and dynamic selection of Pope Francis quotes that are inspiring. The talented people at Outsidedabox produced it for a Religious Education Congress. Besides its attractive design and the power of Holy Father’s words, it could be useful for giving a talk or directing a group about some of the key messages of Pope Francis’ Pontificate.

Besides its attractive design and the power of Holy Father’s words, it could be useful for giving a talk or directing a group about some of the key messages of Pope Francis’ Pontificate.

What are your favorite words from Pope Francis?

Pope Francis We Love You

Pope Francis Quotes to Remember:

With Christ at the center of your life, you will never be disappointed.

Christians are ready to proclaim the gospel because they can’t hide the joy the comes from knowing Christ.

Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.

Let us ask the Lord that our work today makes us all more humble, meek, and more patient and more trusting in God so that the Church may give beautiful witness to the people.

Let us always remember: the youth are not following the pope, the are following Jesus Christ, bearing his Cross. And the Pope accompanies them and guides them in this journey of faith and hope.

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