Even those who don’t know much about Pope Francis could likely tell you that he is passionate about revealing God’s mercy to all people.   The Name of God is Mercy was released in January 2013 with hopes of helping people better understand the mercy of God that is available to us.

The book has been written in an easy to read interview style with Vatican reporter Andrea Tornielli. Pope Francis shares memories from his youth as well as stories from his earlier days as a priest that invite us to see why the message of God’s mercy is so close to his heart and crucial to his mission as Pope.

“It is a place for urgent care, not a place to see a specialist. I hope that the Jubilee [The Holy Year of Mercy] will serve to reveal the Church’s deeply maternal and merciful side, a Church that goes forth toward those who are “wounded,” who are in need of an attentive ear, understanding, forgiveness, and love.” – Pope Francis in “The Name of God is Mercy”

We strongly encourage you to read Pope Francis’ book from cover to cover at least once! You can purchase the book by clicking here.

6 Things To Know About God’s Mercy According To Pope Francis

More Catholic Resources On Mercy

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