Drew and Katie – KEY to Passing on the Faith to kids, Jackie and Bobby Angel

Catholic-Link Podcast
Catholic-Link Podcast
Drew and Katie – KEY to Passing on the Faith to kids, Jackie and Bobby Angel

How to prepare your kids for first communion and first reconciliation!?! In a way that actually helps keep them Catholic…Jackie and Bobby Angel sit down with Drew and Katie Taylor and discuss preparing your kids for sacraments. As Catholic families, how do they intentionally parent to pass down the faith for generations. Jackie and Bobby help create parent and leader training for the Ascension Sacrement program Renewed and Received. This is the new best Catholic sacrament program.

Find a free preview of Ascension Renewed and Received here: https://ascensionpress.com/pages/rene…

In trying to figure out how to prepare your kids for sacraments, we often search for the best Catholic sacrament prep or program. Really wondering how to prepare your kids for first communion or how to prepare your kids for their first confession, which is about so much more than just a sacrament program for first reconciliation and first communion. Although they discuss Ascension’s Renewed and Received, which is the Ascension First Communion program, and Ascension First Reconciliation program, Jackie and Bobby Angel go much deeper in Catholic parenting advice and diving into how to pass on the Catholic Faith to our kids!

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***QUESTION of the DAY – What are your favorite Catholic parenting tips?

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