OCIA: What is It and What Does It Require? with Fr. Rob

Catholic-Link Podcast
Catholic-Link Podcast
OCIA: What is It and What Does It Require? with Fr. Rob

In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast. Fr. Rob and Fr. George to discuss the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA). They discuss why the name changed from RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, to OCIA, the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. Then they discuss some of the OCIA process and different rites candidates participate in. The entrance into full communion with the Catholic Church must be a wholistic change. It is more than simply leading a moral life and going to Sunday Mass. To be conformed to Jesus means that the whole of our existence changes. We have a different world view, we behave differently, etc. Listen to this episode and learn more.

If you or someone you know is interested in full communion with the Catholic Church, please contact your local parish for more information.

Previous Episode

Listen to the previous episode where. Fr. Rob, Fr. George, discussed why they produce a Catholic podcast. There are so many Catholic podcasts to choose from. Fr. Rob and Fr. George take a unique perspective on their podcast to provide listeners a fresh perspective. They are pastors in their respective parishes. With that experience they feel their podcasts can take a more pastoral approach while discussing the Faith. Listen to this episode to learn more and make the Catholic Link podcast part of the New Year ahead!


Order your copy of Why Christians Can Wear Pants here, Fr. Conrad’s book about the Papacy, inspired by Habemus Papam podcast.

Listen to the Habemus Papam Podcast here.

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