In this episode of the Catholic Link podcast, Fr. Rob and Fr. George Elliot discuss mercy and gratitude in the heart of the Christian life. They reflect on a quote from Thomas Merton before his ordination that states that mercy and gratitude must be at the heart of the priest and of all Christians. In all of our walks of life, we must be able to show mercy to others and express our gratitude. In the Our Father, we exclaim to God that he forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who trespass against us. So in order to be shown mercy, we must show mercy to others.
Listen to the previous episode where Fr. Rob is once again joined by Fr. George Elliot and they discuss why do Catholics pray for the dead and how the prayers help them in purgatory. They reference 2 Maccabees 12:46 where it states “it is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead.” However, they focus primarily on 2 Timothy 1:16 where St. Paul asks mercy on Onesiphorus’ household. It is hypothesized that Onesiphorus is deceased and that St. Paul prays for him. Listen to the podcast to learn why do Catholics pray for the dead.
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