Looking for amazing Catholic worship music? Join Drew and Katie Taylor as they interview Luke Spehar about his life as a Catholic musician and his new album Solace. Check our more at ➡️ https://lukespehar.com/
Luke has an incredible story of his faith journey which led him to become a full-time catholic artist. Here are a list of his albums:
Be Still
No Other Way
All Is Gift
The Pilgrim
and his newest album, Luke Spehar – Solace
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In this interview, Drew and Katie Taylor talk to Luke Spehar about catholic music, best catholic music, his new album Luke Spehar solace, catholic songs, catholic songs 2021, catholic link, luke spehar be still, catholic music worship songs, best catholic hymns, catholic praise and worship, luke spehar solace, luke spehar the pilgrim, catholic musician, solace luke spehar, be still luke spehar, catholic hymns, and catholic folk music.
***QUESTION of the DAY –
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