Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI called the Church to prioritize: “Leading men and women to GOD, the GOD who speaks in the Bible.” That’s why these brave young Catholics decided to follow his call and create an evangelization project called Divine Communion. It is a motion-graphic web series which re-tells the love story of human salvation using the covenants of the Bible.

Recognizing the crisis of faith in the Church today due to ignorance of Sacred Scripture, the young adults of the Divine Communion team were inspired by God to lead people to salvation through the fullness of truth in the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.  

They are hoping to make 6 episodes in all, one for each covenant, in order to provide catechesis on Sacred Scripture. Their only desire is to educate souls on the story of salvation and lead them to partake in the Eucharistic Banquet of the Holy Mass. If you want to know more about these young people and their great initiative, watch their videos and visit their official website.

Here is the link to the Diving Communion Official Website for more info.

They have suggested  3 ways to support them:

1- Offer your prayers.

2- Visit their website and donate.

3- Share using the hashtag #divinecommunion.

Let’s spread the word about this great new project and help out the mission of the Church. If you know about other projects or ideas of evangelization, please send us an email at champ@catholic-link.com so we can include them in an upcoming edition of Outstanding Initiatives.

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