As Catholics, we are required to go to Confession once a year, but why stop there? We know Confession can be daunting or difficult, and there might be many reasons why you don’t want to go. However, regular Confession, whether it be monthly, every two weeks, or...
9 Ways You Might Be Participating In Other People’s Sins
Talking about sin is not exactly a surefire way to win a popularity contest. Good thing the path to holiness is not a popularity contest! In fact, He promised that it wouldn't be, both in word (especially in the Beatitudes) and indeed (at His Crucifixion). But isn't...
The 5 Necessary Spiritual Steps You Need To Take After You Sin
This is a matter we seldom talk about with clarity, I don’t know exactly why. My impression is that we talk a lot about sin in an abstract way, or using an academic-theological terminology that the common Christian doesn’t always understand. Nevertheless, we are...
10 Saints Who Prove God’s Grace Is Bigger Than Your Sin
Have you ever heard someone say, “My sin is too big for God to forgive”? Or, maybe you yourself even feel this way at times? This is a lie that the devil would like us to believe, but the truth is no one’s sin is bigger than God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness. He has...
What Ashton Kutcher Said to Congress About the Horrors of Human Trafficking
Would you be shocked to learn that there are more souls ensnared in slavery today than in any previous moment in history? Let that sink in for a second. We at Catholic-Link have been lamenting and warning readers about the recently released film sequel to 50 Shades of...
Millennials and Microaggressions: Why the Sacrament of Confession is More Necessary Than Ever
In adolescence we often believe (at least subconsciously) that all the good that has come to us is there on account of our own worthiness, while all the bad things are the result of the failings of those who reared us. The first day of spiritual adulthood truly begins...
Terry Crews Shares About Porn Addiction And The 90-day “Sex Fast” That Saved His Marriage
Terry Crews was born in Flint, Michigan, in 1968 and was drafted by the NFL's Los Angeles Rams in 1991. After several years playing pro football, Crews retired and pursued an acting career, which took flight on the big screen in 2000's The 6th Day. Many film...
(Video) Planned Parenthood Found Selling Body Parts of Aborted Babies
It’s no secret to Pro-Life advocates that Planned Parenthood is something other than what it styles itself to be. For decades, under the guise of providing “healthcare,” and “empowering women” by fighting for their rights and sexual and reproductive preferences, PP...
11 Steps To Quit Watching Pornography
I wish I could say that this post is only for that “small group” of people addicted to pornography. Would that it were a “small group,” but no, it is not small, it is a group that over the years has become so great that today there are very few men (and women) who...
11 Tips To Regain Peace After Having Sinned
A few days ago I finished reading “Inner Peace” by Jacques Philippe. It is a brief spiritual book written in a simple language and filled with beautiful teachings about cultivating spiritual peace in our Christian life. The book goes over several actions and...
Someone Has To Die: You Or Me
Countless religious studies indicate, time and time again, that men come to discover that something has gone wrong in their hearts. Something beyond his memory - something far in the past - went dreadfully wrong. Pain, suffering, injustice, egoism, oppression… these...
The Relation Between Porn and Human Trafficking: How Many Clicks Does It Take To Enslave Her?
Today’s video brings to light a horrifying and saddening subject, and it's high time more of us speak out against it. Indeed, it's hard to figure why, when every other cause and issue seems to take up residence in our collective awareness, our society is reluctant to...
3 Steps To Turning A Bad Habit Into A Virtue
Man finds his perfection “in seeking and loving what is true and good” - Catechism of the Catholic Church # 1704. All of us have goals in life and we work hard to achieve them, trying to avoid bad habits. There's no better time for a re-set than Lent - a call from...
“Get Clean” A Powerful Video about the Sacrament of Confession
Have you ever spent an inordinate amount of time setting up dominoes only to see them fall in a fraction of the time you spent lining them up? When I was a kid, the first time I saw the domino effect in action I remember thinking it was the coolest thing ever. The...
6 Good Reasons… err Excuses for Why We Gossip
Why do we gossip? 1. “Because we have nothing better to do, to make time pass.” 2. “I think to feel better about ourselves and to attach ourselves to the people that we’re gossiping about, and to connect.” 3. “We want to compare our own to theirs. We want to see that...
Forgiving Yourself Is Something All Christians Must Practice
There are many things people do which hurt us and there are things we do which wound other people. Some are perhaps more obvious than others, some are clearly worse than others. There are two things that I think it is important to remember: 1. There are no good sins....
Do You Really Believe Your Sins Are Forgiven?
Today's culture has a nagging obsession for concrete results produced with speed and efficiency. You've done something? Great, let me see it. I want to touch it, I want to share it on Facebook, I want to tweet about it... A digitized positivism that predicates the...
How many things do you love more than God?
Jordan is a Christian and is also brave enough to admit that there are at least ten things he loves more than God. What is interesting about the examples he gives is that quite a lot of them are things which are good, such as friendship. Others are neutral in...
In Just 6 Seconds This Model Will Completely Change How You View Her
This talk was given by Cameron Russell for TEDx. TED is a not for profit organization which, in its own words, makes ‘riveting talks by remarkable people’ available for free online. Cameron Russell, now 26, is a successful American model who started modeling when she...
Why You Should Look At Yourself With The Same Gaze Of Mercy God Does
When you look at yourself what to do you see? Is your gaze one of love and truth, or judgment and despair? Do you understand the significance of God’s mercy? Or, have you rejected it from your heart? The video tries to tap into the drama of every human heart that...
The More I Try The Worse It Gets: How Sin Is Unlike Any Other Problem
Today’s video is an excellent production by CRU Global. It’s a flying 4 minutes that leads us through a series of metaphors that represent the basic stages of salvation history: creation, the fall, Christ’s coming and Resurrection, and our salvation. I find the...
A Priest Breaks Down The Sacrament Of Reconciliation In A Way Everyone Will Understand
The Sacrament of Reconciliation… Hmmm, just what do these ‘big’ words actually mean? Let’s take this time to unpack their meaning. A Sacrament First, “sacrament”. Do you love somebody – parents, spouse, children, and friends? Now, how do these persons experience your...
Does living in a culture of “now” mean you never have time for God?
This video, made by Dan Stevers (check out transmits a clear and timely message “God has a vision for your life. However, daily life tends to obscure that vision, our frantic schedules push God to the fringe of our lives, and we beginning to develop habits...
What Does it Mean to Truly Have Freedom? Do You Have it?
“We’ve been lied to, and somehow we are okay with it. Have you looked around? I mean, really seen what is happening? The pain is real. We got used to it. Let me ask you something: why are you here? … Do you think someday freedom will just come? What if, one night at...
When You Say One Thing, But Do Another: Incoherence
From the moment of humankind’s first sin, the sweet harmony between words and action has proved to be impressively elusive. And the fact that it is something common in all of our lives can make us dangerously insensible to it. The video– sponsored by the Thai Health...