Is There Life After Birth? An Interesting Dialogue Between 1 Unborn Babies

by Apologetics

This short video shows a brief conversation between two unborn babies, one a skeptic and one a believer. Are you one of those strange people that believe in the mother?

The dialogue is simple enough and presents the question of the existence of a life after death in a novel perspective: is there life after birth? While the abortionists might prove the skeptic baby correct, I think the video provides good insights that support the believing baby’s position, that of faith.

Is the believing baby so crazy after all? It’s true that scientifically speaking, she has no proof (and neither does the skeptic); nevertheless, she is able to pick up on certain signs. Her faith is, above all, the fruit of her listening and watching. She hears the mother’s voice. She sees a mouth who’s purpose has yet to be fulfilled. Even in her own heart, voice whispers, inviting her to believe.

While the skeptic-atheist baby believes himself to be the sane and rational one determined to accept only what his mind can exhaustively understand–, is it really so irrational to allow reality to speak? No detective of any caliber would hesitate a moment to follow such evidence. Still, I do grant that for any undeniable evidence he would have to wait a few years (one life time would be sufficient).

Summarizing: our faith is the fruit of an encounter, not just a thought or type of algorithm. It is an encounter with Christ, who lives and speaks to us in every fiber of reality. The decision to believe and welcome this reality by no means opposes or contradicts reason. On the contrary, it is in complete harmony with it. At the same time, it definitively surpasses it.

“Faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth; and God has placed in the human heart a desire to know the truth—in a word, to know himself—so that, by knowing and loving God, men and women may also come to the fullness of truth about themselves.” (Fides et Ratio, 1)

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