Is Jimmy Kimmel’s Reaction to Kanye’s Porn Habit How Most Catholics Would Respond?

by Evangelization, Morals & Values

I’m completely shocked and saddened by this viral interview that took place on Jimmy Kimmel Live! a few nights ago and resulted in Pornhub giving Kanye West a lifetime membership to the site.

What shook me the most is not so much Kanye freely admitting that he watches porn or even the audience erupting in applause and laughter, but that I saw myself in Jimmy Kimmel’s response.

I’m not sure of what Jimmy Kimmel’s beliefs or practices are, but he was raised as a Catholic and was even an altar server in his parish. In other interviews, he has defended his faith.

Kimmel: “Does having daughters change your attitude toward women?”

Kanye: “Nah, I still look at Pornhub”


I’m sorry to say that, to a certain extent,  I’ve found myself in Jimmy Kimmel’s position. There have been times in my life when someone revealed something to me that I should have had the courage to speak up against and instead I responded with nervous laughter or a joke. Other times, I’ve listened in silence and just let them speak their mind. Very few times have I actually been able to form an articulate response and state my beliefs.

I don’t want people to think I can’t take a joke, right? I don’t want to appear judgemental. I don’t want to lose my friends because of my beliefs. 

This video was so difficult to watch because it was a stark reminder of how weak I am in my own faith.

Do you think most Catholics would respond in the same way that Jimmy Kimmel did? Would you have had the courage to say something in this situation? What would you have said? 

Let us join in praying for one another to have the strength to respond in a way that radiates the love of God and brings others to know the truth of Christ when difficult topics come up in our conversations. Come, Holy Spirit!


What’s Wrong With Porn?

Fight The New Drug has a great article that discusses some of the ways pornography can negatively impact your life.

What Kanye West Probably Doesn’t Know About the Porn Industry

More Resources

These 7 Saints Will Help You In Your Battle Against Porn

We Now Have A Generation Who Grew Up With Porn: What Happens Next?

Playing with Pornography: 6 Practical Steps to Help You Stop


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