Memorial Day Prayer

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“Pray as though everything depended on God…”
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”

The Dark Night: Stanzas Of The Soul By St. John Of The Cross
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Dark Night: Stanzas of the Soul One dark night,fired with love’s urgent longings— ah, the sheer grace! —I went out unseen,my house being now all stilled. In darkness, and secure,by the secret ladder, disguised,— ah, the sheer grace! —in darkness and concealment,my house being now all stilled. On that […]

“I Thirst For You” – A Letter From Mother Teresa
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn I THIRST FOR YOU. It is true. I stand at the door of your heart, day and night. Even when you are not listening, even when you doubt it could be Me, I am there: waiting for even the smallest signal of your response, even the smallest suggestion of an […]

The Fruit Of Silence Is Prayer
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “The fruit of silence is prayer, the fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is love, the fruit of love is service, and the fruit of service is peace.” – Mother Teresa of Calcutta
“Arm yourself with prayer rather than a sword…”
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Arm yourself with prayer rather than a sword; wear humility rather than fine clothes.

“The Rosary Is THE weapon.” | St. Padre Pio
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “The Rosary is THE weapon.” – St. Padre Pio
What To Do If You Can’t Pray
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “If you can talk with the Lord in prayer, talk to Him, offer Him your praise; if, due to great weariness, you cannot speak, do not find displeasure in the ways of the Lord. Stay in the room like servants of the court do, and make a gesture of reverence. […]
3 Simple Movements to “Let Go” when You are Upset
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Welcoming Prayer practice is a way of “letting” into the present moment in the ordinary routines of daily life. The Welcoming Prayer is used when your needs for security, affection, and control are frustrated or gratified and cause emotional reactions.