Prayer In Honor Of The Tears Of Mary

Hail, countless and bitter tears which flowed in such profusion from thine eyes, O Mary, in thy loving and tender compassion for thy Son, our Crucified Savior! Men and Angels shall honor and revere these tears, and all sinners shall flee to them for refuge, for they have their source in thy most compassionate Heart, O Sorrowful Mother! Even as the crimson Blood flowed from the Wounds of Jesus, so did the tears flow from thine eyes, O Mary, mingled with unutterable bitterness on account of the agony with which thy soul was overwhelmed. Hail Mary…

O burning tears, O bitter tears, O mournful tears which moved the Angels to pity and touched the Heart of the Eternal Father! Soften my hard heart that it also may be moved to pity and to a true sorrow for my innumerable sins. O holy tears, wash me! O bitter tears, purify me! O mournful tears, cleanse me! O gentle tears, soften my heart! O burning tears, inflame it! O tears rich in merit and grace, enrich and adorn me! Hail Mary…

O most gentle Virgin, I recall to thee the heartfelt compassion which thou didst feel for thy Divine Son during His Passion, and the countless tears which then flowed from thine eyes. I beseech thee, through these bitter tears, to obtain for me the gift of tears and a true and heartfelt sorrow for my sins. Oh, would that I could shed such efficacious and salutary tears over the cruel sufferings of my Savior, and over my sins, as thou didst shed at the foot of the Cross. O most merciful Virgin, offer, I beseech thee, thy bitter tears to the Eternal Father in satisfaction for my tepidity and hardness of heart; and through their merit obtain for me mercy and pardon of all my sins. And when, O dearest Mother, I lie upon my deathbed, give me but one of thy precious tears wherewith to wash and purify my sinful soul and guilty conscience. Amen. Hail Mary…

Let us Pray

Oh! Mother of Sorrows, given from the Cross to be our Mother, who didst behold the red drops of the Precious Blood falling down to the ground, remember the Sorrows which then overwhelmed thee like the waves of the sea, and which no other creature but thyself ever suffered on earth.

Oh! Mother of Sorrows, plead for us to the Eternal Father, intercede for us with thy Son, pray for us to the Holy Ghost, that after this our pilgrimage is over, we may behold the face of thy Son, and dwell with Him forever in eternal joy. Amen.

– Venerable Martin von Cochem
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