6 Reasons To Rest On Sundays

6 Reasons To Rest On Sundays

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Catholic quote If Christmas caught you empty handed... | Catholic-Link.org

If Christmas Caught You Empty Handed, Maybe…

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Warning! The Bible can change your life!

Warning: The Bible Can Change Your Life!

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Infographic: Jesus And The Liturgical Year

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Why go to Mass? Here are 77 reasons that you'll want to fulfill your Sunday Mass obligation as a Catholic...and maybe go more often!

Why Go To Mass? 77 Reasons!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 77 Things That Happen When You’re Devoted To Going To Mass 1. For thy salvation, God the Father sends His beloved Son down from heaven. 2. For thy salvation the Holy Spirit changes bread and wine into the true body and blood of Christ. 3. For thy sake the Son of God comes […]

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What Are The Levels Of The Mass?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn What are the levels of the Mass? Is there a difference between the Solemn High Mass, High Mass, and Low Mass of the Latin Mass? Fr. George explains in today’s video. What Are The Differences Between The Solemn High Mass, High Mass, And Low Mass Of The Latin Mass? Image: […]

Pope Benedict XVI on the Disintegration of Liturgy

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn I am convinced that the crisis in the Church that we are experiencing today is to a large extent due to the disintegration of the liturgy.

The Mass is Offered for Four Ends | Infographic

The Mass is Offered for Four Ends | Infographic

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Daily Mass Is Only For Those Who Have Nothing Better To Do

Daily Mass Is Only For Those Who Have Nothing Better To Do

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The Whole World Should Vibrate When This Happens During The Mass

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Man should tremble, the world should vibrate, all heaven should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest. – St. Francis of Assisi More St. Francis of Assisi Resources *Amazon Affiliate links help the ministry of Catholic-Link at no additional […]

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Things That Happen When You Go To Mass

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Genuflect or bow Catholic Mass

Bowing vs. Genuflecting

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of […]

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Should Pro-Choice Catholics Be Denied Communion

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Should Pro-Choice Catholics Be Denied Communion People who are pro-choice must form their own conscience regarding reception of Holy Eucharist. Public pro-choice politicians should not receive communion. Pro-choice and receiving Communion, public sin versus private sin, a minister’s responsibility in offering Holy Communion. Supporting abortion and receiving communion, being denied […]

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Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “If we knew the value of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, how much greater effort we would put forth in order to assist at it!”

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Where Can You Get The Energy Needed To Fight Inner Battles?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “With all the strength of my soul, I urge you, young people, to approach the Communion table as often as you can. Feed on this bread of angels whence you will draw all the energy you need to fight inner battles. Because true happiness, dear friends, does not consist in […]

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This is Christmas…The Gift Of Christ

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Precious Blood, Ocean Of Mercy | Prayer Of St. Catherine of Siena

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Precious Blood, ocean of divine mercy: Flow upon us! Precious Blood, most pure offering: Procure us every grace! Precious Blood, hope and refuge of sinners: Atone for us! Precious Blood, delight of holy souls: Draw us! Amen – St. Catherine of Siena

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The Story Of St. Nicholas

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First communion prayer prepare the way for Jesus in the heart of (your child) St. Tarcisius, keep safe the children who are making their First Communion.

Prayer For Those Preparing For First Communion

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Prayer For Those Preparing For First Communion O Jesus, You have loved us with such exceedingly great love as to give us the ineffable gift of the Holy Eucharist, inflame us with a burning zeal to promote Your glory by praying for (your child’s name) to prepare worthily to approach […]

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The Bible Is The Only Book Where The Author Is In Love With The Reader

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Why Is Mass On Sunday Important? St. Justin Martyr Responds

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, having wrought a change in the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ our Savior on the same day rose from the dead. St. Justin Martyr […]

You Get Out of Mass What You Put Into It | Catholic-Link.org

You Get Out of Mass What You Put Into It

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What Is A Tabernacle?

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4 Saints Of The Holy Eucharist

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn   St. Catherine of Siena of the Eucharist, pray for us! St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, pray for us! St. Clare, pray for us! St. Gemma, pray for us! May the entire Catholic Church and the entire world come to know the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist! Amen […]

The Top 3 Reasons People Don’t Go To Church Anymore (And How To Respond!)

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We can see it. Church attendance is down. We view people who attend Mass monthly as our “engaged Catholics.” Those who attended out of habit and lukewarm faith fell out of the habit of coming to church when we closed parishes for the Covid-19 pandemic.  Do we even need to […]

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Don’t Say God Is Silent When Your Bible Is Closed

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