Holding The Rosary Beads Is Like Holding Mary’s Hand

Holding The Rosary Beads Is Like Holding Mary’s Hand

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Why is the rosary a powerful spiritual weapon for families? Learn more about this Catholic devotion and why your family should start praying

Why Is The Rosary A Spiritual Weapon For Individuals And Families?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Rosary, the saintly Padre Pio affirmed, is “the right weapon for these times.”  But how are our Rosary beads a weapon?   First, to “zoom out” for a moment, to need a weapon at all implies that we are at war. This is a dynamic of life as Christians, surrounded by […]

Why pray the rosary

7 Things That Happen When You Pray The Rosary (Graphic)

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 7 Surprising Things That Happen When You Pray The Rosary More Often Read the full article HERE!

What do you need to have on hand when you feel you are being spiritually attacked? Start with these four things to help you in your battle

4 Things You Need When You Are Under Spiritual Attack

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 4 Things To Have When You Are Being Spiritually Attacked Click on each item to learn more! 1. Rosary 2. Holy Water 3. Bible 4. Prayer Card

rosary mission team

The Rosary Team’s Divine Mission For The New Year

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn As the New Year unfolds, many are contemplating resolutions that draw them closer to God.  Volunteering with The Rosary Team is a profound opportunity to deepen one’s spiritual life while contributing to the community through the timeless practice of praying the rosary. The Rosary Team’s outreach to nursing homes holds a special […]

Why did Our Lady of Fatima ask for this prayer to be added after each decade of the rosary? Many Catholics still don't know this! O My Jesus

Why Should You Add This Prayer To Your Rosary?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn On May 13, 1917, the Blessed Mother appeared for the first time to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. Each time our Blessed Mother visited Jacinta, Francisco, and Lucia, she gave some specific instructions to the children. “I have come, to warn the faithful,to amend their livesand ask pardon for their […]

How can a daily rosary change your life? One Catholic mom shares how this powerful prayer and meditation changed her life

The Life-Changing Effects Of A Daily Rosary

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn I saw struggles with sin unravel before my eyes, I found clarity in my vocation and decided to marry the man I now call my husband. I watched anxieties and worries, wounds, and difficulties dissipate as Our Lady brought me peace and interior quiet I had not known prior. I […]

Mysteries of the Rosary

4 Ways To Draw Closer And Lead Others To The Rosary

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn When we think of praying the Rosary, we often perceive it as a personal prayer to be explored in the quiet places of our hearts and homes or in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Although the Rosary is beautifully prayed as a private devotional, and our one-on-one time with Jesus […]

rosary quote St. John Paul II

Here’s What The Saints Want You To Know About The Rosary

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn All Catholics are called to be saints. If we genuinely want to grow in holiness, we must study the lives of the saints who have gone before us to learn what habits, virtues, and values guided their path to heaven. It doesn’t take long to realize that a deep devotion […]

3 Ways To Use Your Rosary

3 Different Ways To Use Your Rosary

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn 1. Chaplet Of Divine Mercy 2. Chaplet of the Adorable Sacrament 3. Chaplet of St. Gertrude Images created by: https://www.instagram.com/thestumpofjesse/

How do you pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Holy Rosary? Join Katie and Drew as they lead you through this beautiful prayer and meditation

Today’s Holy Rosary: The Glorious Mysteries

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Listen to the Tuesday rosary and Friday rosary with a black background prayed by Drew and Katie Taylor from Catholic-Link. Great rosary

Pray The Sorrowful Mysteries Of The Holy Rosary

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Listen to the Tuesday rosary and Friday rosary with a black background prayed by Drew and Katie Taylor from Catholic-Link. Great rosary for falling asleep or playing for kids! The Sorrowful Mysteries The Agony in the Garden The Scourging at the Pillar The Crowning of Thorns The Carrying of the […]

Catholic podcast for busy people

60 Seconds: Sacramentals

Scapulars, and Holy Water, and rosaries, oh my!

Pray the joyful mysteries of the most Holy Rosary each day with Katie and Drew as your guides to this beautiful devotion!

Today’s Holy Rosary: The Joyful Mysteries

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday) The Annunciation The Visitation The Nativity The Presentation The Finding of Jesus in the Temple

We pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary On Mondays and Saturdays. Use this graphic to help you visualize your prayers!

The Joyful Mysteries Of The Rosary

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary on Mondays and Saturdays. Use this graphic to help you visualize your prayers! The Joyful Mysteries The Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday) The Annunciation The Visitation The Nativity The Presentation The Finding of Jesus in the Temple Pray with our video HERE!

Join Katie and Drew to pray the Luminous Mysteries Of The Holy Rosary on Thursdays. Learn how to pray the rosary!

Pray The Luminous Mysteries Of The Holy Rosary

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Listen to the Thursday rosary and with a black background prayed by Drew and Katie Taylor from Catholic-Link. Great rosary for falling asleep or playing for kids! The Luminous Mysteries pertain to Our Lord’s public ministry as an adult. Almost two decades of His life pass in obscurity between His […]

Pray All The Mysteries Of The 20 Decade Rosary

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Listen to the full rosary with all mysteries and all 20 decades and with a black background prayed by Drew and Katie Taylor from Catholic-Link. Great rosary for falling asleep or playing for kids! The Mysteries Of The Holy Rosary The Joyful Mysteries The Annunciation The Visitation The Nativity The […]

What is the history of the Catholic rosary? Drew tells us in just thirty seconds. Learn about this incredible devotion in less than a minute!

History Of The Rosary In 30 Seconds

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The history of the Rosary can be traced back to the third century when monks in Egypt, known as the Desert Fathers, would pray all 150 Psalms using bags with little rocks or ropes to keep track. This practice continued for centuries until Saint Dominic received a vision from Mary […]

How to pray the rosary

Pope St. John Paul II’s Favorite Prayer

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Do you need some help diving into the simplicity and depth of the Rosary? Check out our Youtube video on how to pray the Rosary better! How To Pray The Rosary Better

how to pray a rosary better

Rosary Struggles? St. Therese Can Relate

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn …in vain do I strive to meditate on the mysteries of the Rosary; I am unable to fix my attention. For a long time, I was sad because of this lack of devotion which surprised me, for I love the Blessed Virgin so much that it should be easy for […]

When Sorrow Pray Rosary Bl. Alan de la Roche

Pray A Hail Mary When You Are Suffering

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the rosary is the weapon for these times padre pio saint quotes

“The Rosary Is THE weapon.” | St. Padre Pio

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “The Rosary is THE weapon.” – St. Padre Pio

The Secret To Receiving A Crown Of Glory By St. Louis De Montfort

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn If you say the Rosary faithfully until death, I do assure you that, in spite of the gravity of your sins you shall receive a never-fading crown of glory. Even if you are on the brink of damnation, even if you have one foot in hell, even if you have […]

Catholic Quote Holding the Rosary beads is like holding Mary’s hand

Holding The Rosary Beads Is Like Holding Mary’s Hand

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Holding The Rosary Beads Is Like Holding Mary’s Hand More Rosary Resources

hail mary line by line rosary

St. Dominic Says The Rosary Will Save The World

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, Our Lady will save the world.” – St. Dominic See Catholic-Link’s Ultimate Visual Guide to the Rosary for more information!

7 tips for family rosary

7 Tips For Praying The Rosary As A Family

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Do you need some help praying the Rosary as a family? Check out this video! 

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3 Ways To Overcome Anger

Imagine your anger to be a kind of wild beast, because it has ferocious teeth and claws, and if you don’t tame it, it will devastate all things even corrupting the soul.— St. John Chrysostom More Catholic Resources On Anger...

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