What Saint Should You Ask For Help From Today?

What Saint Should You Ask For Help From Today?

More Catholic Resources On The Saints

St. Ambrose bees quotes bishop

St. Ambrose And The Legend Of A Bizarre Encounter With Bees

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Living in the 4th century A.D., St. Ambrose was bishop of Milan during a tumultuous era of Church history. His road to ordination was an interesting journey. The sudden death of the current bishop of Milan in 374 A.D. left the bishop’s seat open amid the climate of the Arian […]

What does St. Frances of Rome have to do with car blessings? As Catholics, we are taught to strive for holiness and sainthood - to live a life

St. Frances Of Rome, 3 Cars, And A Blessing To Remember

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn In 2004, I became that convert who immediately jumped, with both feet, into all things Catholic. I was the one running to the Religious Goods store regularly, because, of course, I now needed a crucifix for every room, statues of our confirmation saints, candles, framed images and all the prayer […]

What can we learn from the life of St. Julie Billiart? She teaches us that all can become saints if we strive for it!

St. Julie Billiart And Bite-Size Sainthood

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Modeling our lives after those of the saints can sometimes feel like a formidable task. We count the ways it seems impossible in the 21st century. We examine the actions of the holiest saints and wonder how we could ever compare. We’re juggling so many balls as it is—how could […]

teen saints st. jose

Today’s Teens Need The Saints More Than Ever

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn A lot happens between the ages of 12 and 14. I call it the magical age, the ethereal age, the age of heroes and anything’s-possible. We’ve all passed through that moment. For some of us it was just another year, for others it was the turning point that made every […]

Enjoy this fictional story based on the life of St. Anthony the Great! Read it to your children at bedtime for some holy inspiration.

Bedtime Stories With The Saints: St. Anthony, Demon Fighter

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn There was once a young man named Anthony who lived with his sister in a village called Coma in Egypt. The hills around the village were dry and brown against the pale blue sky. However, inside the village was lush and green. Palm trees dotted the horizon and water flowed […]

St. Padre Pio can teach all of us a lesson on suffering and persecution because he lived it himself. Get the tips in this Catholic-Link.org

What St. Padre Pio Can Teach Us About Enduring Trials

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Padre Pio is one of the most beloved saints in Catholic history. Many know him for having the stigmata or for his ability to bilocate and read hearts in the confessional. The stories of his miracles are inspiring and remind people of the power of God and His Church. But […]

Fr. Emil Kapaun cause for sainthood

One Cause For Sainthood You Should Know About

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Servant of God Fr. Emil Kapaun Fr. Kapaun was named a “Servant of God” in 1993, which is the official beginning of the opening of a cause for canonization, for sainthood in the Catholic Church. Of course, the saints are the blessed in Heaven who dwell with God in Paradise. […]

Why is St. Jerome often seen with a lion in Catholic art? Learn more about this great Saint and the symbols that represent him

What’s With The Lion? Things We Can Learn About St. Jerome Through Art

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Some saints are instantly recognizable when you spot them, others remain in hazy anonymity. You know St. Therese when you see her, pristine Carmelite habit surrounding a bouquet of roses, austere and a little saccharine, she stands out in crowd. Peter with his keys, Paul with his sword, Catherine and […]

Mother Teresa & Me Catholic movie review

Mother Teresa & Me | Movie Review

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn The world knew Mother Teresa because of her great love, humility, and selflessness. Her desire to pursue her “call within a call” and serve the poorest of the poor resonated with millions of people worldwide from those poor people she served all the way up through the highest levels of […]

Play our Guess That Catholic Saint quiz with your friends and family. It's a fun way to test your knowledge and learn something new!

Guess That Saint! QUIZ

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn How well do you know the Saints? Take our quiz to test your knowledge of some of the newest saints in the Catholic church and some who have been around for ages! Press the blue Start button to play now! This Saint lived during the 1800’s in France. As a […]

Who was St. Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity? Get to know a little bit about her and read some of her quotes in this article.

St. Elizabeth Of The Trinity: An Ordinary Saint With Extraordinary Devotion

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Who was St. Elizabeth of the Trinity? There are some saints who, on the outside, do not appear especially remarkable; they are not like Catherine of Sienna guiding a pope back to Rome; or Joan of Arc leading an army into battle. By all outward appearances, they don’t seem to […]

Who was St. Lucia

The Meaning Of Saint Lucia (St. Lucy)

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Who Was St. Lucy? St Lucia is an early Christian martyr with a story that brings us many traditions on her feast day, December 13th. From the Swedish procession led by a young girl wearing a crown of candles to an eldest daughter serving their families sweet treats. She is […]

who was st. martin de porres

St. Martin De Porres | 8 Facts To Know

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn St. Martin De Porres, Pray For Us! Image created by @thestumpofjesse

Who was Blessed Miguel Pro

Blessed Miguel Pro, Pray For Us!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Images Created By: @kvn_lm

Many of the Saints had a devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus that all Catholics are asked to grow in during January. Meet them in this article

9 Saints Who Devoted Themselves To The Holy Name Of Jesus

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Family movie night. We hadn’t watched a movie with my 19-year-old daughter for months. Her boyfriend was there too and as we pushed “play,” I relished the first satisfying crunch of popcorn and snuggled under a plush blanket next to my husband. The movie was just the kind I like. […]

St. John the Baptist bible study

What St. John The Baptist Teaches Us About Expectations | Catholic Bible Study

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn This is what John the Baptist proclaimed: “One mightier than I is coming after me.I am not worthy to stoop and loosen the thongs of his sandals.I have baptized you with water; he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and […]

Get to know these Catholic women who inspire us to grow in holiness and also show that the Church loves women!

5 Catholic Women We Should Be Talking About More Often

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn First things first. When I embarked on the quest to find Catholic women, who are not saints or blesseds, I was prepared for surprises. Many of us know our holy and inspiring women saints (Saint Catherine of Sienna, Saint Rita, Saint Therese, Saint Edith Stein… I could go on and […]

What can men learn from Mother Teresa's letter to women? We need one another. As men, we need strong women.

3 Things Men Can Learn From Mother Teresa’s Letter To Women

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We need one another. As men, we need strong women. We need their support. Women need strong men and need their support as well. When it comes to being men and women, we desperately need to be and remain GROUNDED, to avoid getting caught up and carried away by ambiguity/extremes/caricatures. […]

I received a text from a producer friend of mine with an opportunity to be part of the crew for a film called “Triumph of the Heart.”

An Inside Look At What It’s Like To Film A Catholic Movie About A Saint

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn On one of the last chilly mornings of October, I received a text from a producer friend of mine, telling me that there was a an opportunity to be part of the crew for a film called “Triumph of the Heart.” For someone laying upside down on their bed, sponging […]

What is the legend of St. Brendan's Stone? Enjoy an imaginative retelling of this Irish folklore and an inspiring Saint!

The Legend Of St. Brendan’s Stone

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn What is the legend of St. Brendan’s Stone? Enjoy an imaginative retelling of this Irish folklore and an inspiring Saint! St. Brendan’s Stone Where the green ground of the Emerald Isle met the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean, a man stood along the coastline, looking westward. The sea didn’t […]

Quotes by Saint Vincent Ferrer who was a priest from Spain who lived in the 14th century.  His missionary work is attributed to leading

5 Quotes From St. Vincent Ferrer & 5 Facts About His Life That Will Help You Grow Closer To Jesus

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Saint Vincent Ferrer was a priest from Spain who lived in the 14th century.  His missionary work is attributed to leading thousands of people in Europe to the Catholic faith.  His feast day is celebrated on April 5th and the life of this saint continues to lead people closer to […]

St. Paschal was a saint dedicated to the holy Eucharist. Find out why and be inspired by his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament!

St. Paschal: Seraph Of The Eucharist

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn I stared at my computer at the half-written essay. I had been working on it for one of my toughest classes and feared it wouldn’t be finished before it was due at 11:59pm that night. I also knew that I might not have been able to finish, because our soccer […]

St. Damien Day in Hawaii

Discovering The Heart Of A Saint Who Is Hawaii’s Hero

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Growing up on Molokai, just a stone’s throw from the Kalaupapa Peninsula – a place that once echoed with the solitude of lepers banished from society – I discovered a story that tugged at my heartstrings.  A story by Gavin Dawes, “The Holy Man,” revealed to me the profound compassion […]

Drink to good health!  That was the cry of saints as they have served mugs of beer to the sick. The church has used beer to fight disease.  

The Saints Who Saved Lives With Beer

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Drink to good health!  That has been the cry of saints and popes as they have served mugs of beer to the sick.  In times of plague, members of the church have used beer to fight disease.   St. Arnold of Soissons         St. Arnold of Soissons (1040-1087) was the abbot of […]

Meet five individuals who are possibly going to become saints and be inspired by the lives that lived with conviction.

5 Causes For Sainthood You Need To Know About

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We are all called to sainthood, aren’t we? But somehow, when reading about the saints, we can easily feel distant, different from these great figures who experienced hardships, fought against oppression, founded religious communities, endured torture for the Name of Jesus, and even died for their faith. Their stories inspire […]


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