Fuse Yourself With Christ In The Eucharist
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10 Quotes On The Eucharist From The Church Fathers
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4 Life Lessons From Mother Church
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5 Ways To Teach Kids About The Real Presence Of Jesus In The Eucharist
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Children learn so much from watching their parents. Without even realizing it, we are all teaching our children about the Real Presence with the gestures we show the Eucharist. Attending any part of the National Eucharistic Revival or Pilgrimage certainly qualifies as a loving gesture, but small, everyday actions also […]

A Collection Of Poetry For Eucharistic Adoration
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Something More There’s something moreBeyond that doorThan what meets the eyeTiny HostWe adore the mostOn the altar there abides Appears as breadChrist, risen from the dead,The ultimate sacrificeWho we abhor with our sinBy his mercy, He lets us inTo gaze upon Him, pure and white Body, Blood, Soul, DivinityExposèd here […]

A Poem About The Eucharist By Danielle Erwin
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Your flesh dwells within me Your breath my life now be My heart is with one accord Whence receiveth Thy Holy Word Overabundant be Thy Grace In the Holy Eucharist I now face All contained within suffice To sustain me for this life And upon death’s calling The greatest joy […]
A Saint’s Advice For When You Can’t Make Your Holy Hour…Don’t Worry
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn When on account of illness, infirmity, or some other reason, you cannot make your (holy) hour, let your heart be saddened for a moment. Then in spirit imagine yourself at adoration in union with those who are actually adoring. On a bed of sickness, or on a journey, or at […]

A True Sign Of Unity And A Bond Of Charity
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Jesus, whilst He remains after Holy Communion under the Sacred Species, unites us intimately to our neighbours by charity. It is at this moment that He says again His prayer. “Holy Father, that all these may be one as Thou Father in Me and I in You, that […]

All That Is Good In Me Is Because Of Holy Communion
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “All the good that is in me is due to Holy Communion. I owe everything to it. I feel this holy fire has transformed me completely.” – St. Faustina

Ask The Blessed Mother For Help When Adoring Our Eucharistic Lord
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Our Lord Jesus Christ calls to our hearts. He humbles Himself in the form of Bread — a simple Host — in order to be available to us — to remain with us, to heal our wounded hearts, and nourish us with His abiding and incomprehensible Love and Mercy. He […]

Be Consumed With Eucharistic Fire | Saint Pier Giorgio Frassati
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “When you are totally consumed by the Eucharistic fire, then you will be able more consciously to thank God, who has called you to become part of His family. Then you will enjoy the peace that those who are happy in this world have never experienced, because true happiness, oh […]

Do Catholics Wear A Wedding Dress For First Communion?
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Dressing up for special occasions is a common practice, but on certain occasions, the dress itself carries its own traditions and symbolism. The reception of First Holy Communion is one such special occasion. It is common to see those receiving First Communion dressed up in clothes very similar to wedding […]

Do Not Get So Absorbed With Work That You Forget God | St. Faustina
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “I will not allow myself to be so absorbed in the whirlwind of work as to forget about God. I will spend all my free moments at the feet of the Master hidden in the Blessed Sacrament. He has been tutoring me from my most tender years.” – St. Faustina […]
Do You Not Love Me In The Blessed Sacrament?
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn But our Lord could say to us: “You have loved Me on Calvary because there I washed away your sins. You have loved Me in the Crib because there I was meek and lovable. Why then do you not love Me in the Blessed Sacrament where I am always with […]