What Makes A Perfect Catholic Marriage?

What Makes A Perfect Catholic Marriage?


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Doing something considerate for your Catholic spouse doesn’t have to be extravagant.  The only thing you can do for your spouse

8 Things Catholics Can Do For Their Spouse Every Day

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Whether you are in a blissful period in your marriage where things are going smoothly and your love for each other is easily expressed, or you are in a more difficult period where the challenges are never-ending, do something special for your spouse today.  Doing something considerate for your spouse […]

Do you believe these Catholic online dating myths? It's time you changed your way of thinking. Great resources for dating Catholics.

It’s Time For Catholics To Stop Believing These 5 Myths About Online Dating

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Online dating has never been more popular. In fact, the trend suggests that online dating may become the norm rather than a supplemental tactic.  A recent study showed 19% of internet users in the US said they were currently using an online dating app or platform. A further 27% of […]

What Can the Saints Teach Us About Child Loss? The sadly reality is that many have experienced child loss and miscarriage

10 Ways To Grieve After A Miscarriage

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn For the Grieving Heart The time following the loss of a baby is numbing and painful as you try to navigate all of the emotions that are flooding your entire being. The grieving process is complex and leaves you wondering when your heart will find healing again, when normalcy will […]

So how does one practically move from lusting after one’s wife to learning how to love her? catholic porn

How To Choose Love Over Lust In Your Marriage: 10 Ways To Love Your Wife

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn So how does one practically move from lusting after one’s wife to learning how to love her? Warning: this is not a simple list, but takes a lot of grace, humility, and effort. Buckle your seatbelts, gentlemen. 10 Ways To Love Your Wife (And Stop Lust) So there you have […]

Learn to love your Catholic wife, not lust! Find out how this will benefit your marriage and help you grow in holiness.

Why Love Your Wife? 10 Reasons To Choose Love Over Lust

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Find the first part in this series on Loving Your Wife HERE. Before we can go into specifics about how to transition from lust to love with your wife, let’s examine why developing a look of love – with your eyes and your heart – is so important for your […]

Let’s begin our conversation with the distinction between love and lust to help you in your Catholic Marriage.

10 Things That Happen If You Look At Your Wife With Lust, Not Love

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Gentlemen, have you ever had your wife completely turn down your advances, seem completely disinterested in your attempts to woo her, and instead be totally annoyed with you? If your answer is yes, then you’re meant to read this. Why might she be reacting in this manner? The answer is […]

What did our kids learn when we put our Catholic marriage first? Lessons from 25+ years of marriage to inspire you

What Your Kids Will Learn When You Prioritize Your Marriage

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Growing up, I always thought I had a solid family unit. My parents were youth leaders in our small Methodist church and my Dad was a fireman/paramedic in our small town. We were just a normal and faithful family. This is why I was shocked when, as a 19-year-old young […]

The culture we live in demands that Catholics get real about sex in the way God intended it to be. How do we find authentic love?

It’s Time For Catholics To Get Real About Sex

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Catholic Sexual Teaching – An Invitation to Reality Lust and Counterfeit Sexuality We live in a throw-away society. Fast food and plastic plates — our culture is full of the cheap and easy. Unfortunately, this mentality bleeds into our sexuality. America is obsessed with sexual counterfeits. From the college hook-up […]

What can men learn from Mother Teresa's letter to women? We need one another. As men, we need strong women.

3 Things Men Can Learn From Mother Teresa’s Letter To Women

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn We need one another. As men, we need strong women. We need their support. Women need strong men and need their support as well. When it comes to being men and women, we desperately need to be and remain GROUNDED, to avoid getting caught up and carried away by ambiguity/extremes/caricatures. […]

how is catholic marriage different

How Is A Catholic Marriage With God At The Center Different?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Marriage is truly an adventure that requires careful packing. After saying “yes,” you leave your childhood home, bid your farewells, say your see-you-laters (definitely not goodbyes), pack your entire life into a handful of suitcases, and embark on a new journey with your beloved. And guess what? Everything changes. It’s […]

catholic marriage power healing world

The Spiritual Power Of Marriage Can Bring Hope To The World

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn I have the great blessing of having three adopted siblings. After having six biological children, my parents decided to adopt three more. They are incredibly generous people, and I think are perhaps strongly against the idea of spending any time at all in purgatory, choosing instead to get all that […]

catholic dating

Help! Is A Healthy Dating Relationship Even Possible Anymore?!

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Dating is easy today, right? Hardly. It’s never been easy; but especially in a social media world—and after the pandemic, nothing can be taken for granted.  This is literally uncharted territory. And yet, human nature remains fundamentally the same in so many ways.  So, can Christian principles of virtuous living […]

Learn how going to seminary helped prepare a former seminarian for marriage. How does your vocation lead you closer to God and Catholic

4 Lessons I Learned In Seminary That Help Me In Marriage

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Four years ago, my future seemed clear to me. I thought I’d spend my days living in small-town Minnesota and ministering to country parishes as their priest. I love my home state, and I love the people there very much, but God had other plans.   After leaving seminary, I struggled […]

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What Your Kids Learn When You Prioritize Your Marriage

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn “Well, the children have always come first” is a remark that echoes in the offices of too many marriage therapists. Imagine if their wedding vows had been,  “I, John, take you, Jane, to be my beloved wife. I promise to stand by idly, but with deep emotional pain while you […]

Catholic infertility natural family planning

Infertility And NFP: Still Called To The Joy Of Love

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn As you may know, many couples use fertility-awareness methods like Natural Family Planning (NFP) to try to become pregnant, but NFP can also help couples carrying the cross of infertility. Learning about the body’s signs and signals of fertility can often reveal problems and give couples and their doctors direction […]

You've probably never heard this NPF (Natural Family Planning) advice before and it's inspired by St. Teresa of Avila's writings!

The NFP Advice You’ve Never Heard Before That’s Inspired By St. Teresa of Avila

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a beautiful and effective way for married couples to remain open to life while also following Church teaching against contraception. For many couples, NFP can be a way for them to grow closer to each other and as a couple grow closer to God. The […]

list of virtual nfp classes instructors natural family planning

A Guide To Virtual Natural Family Planning Instructors

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Need some help learning or relearning Natural Family Planning (NFP), Fertility Awareness Method (FAM), the Marquette Method, Boston Cross Check™, or the Billings Ovulation Method®? Here is a list of providers that offer virtual courses so that you can learn these methods (and more!) from the comfort of your own […]


4 Ideas For Lent Date Nights

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Truly, Lent is a time to be solemn and focused on our Lord in his journey to the Cross. But as a couple, it still remains important to be united with our beloved through time together and conversation. A Lent themed date night could be a perfect combination of these […]

Catholic valentines quote love marriage

What Does It Mean To Have A Crucifixion Type Of Love For Your Wife?

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn This beautiful spoken-word piece titled “A Crucifixion Type Love” was written and performed by Brent Rice and, although (disclaimer) we don’t know much about Mr. Rice and his personal religious beliefs, there is no doubt that his poetry is stunning, passionate, and a piece of art that all can benefit […]

NFP Catholic Love

NFP And The Deconstruction Of Love

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn One of the best things about the Catholic Church (which of course, there are many, many things) is the communion of saints.  The wisdom and holiness of the men and women who have gone before us can guide us toward the light that is Christ.  There are few areas of […]

NFP Community Natural Family Planning

3 Reasons We All Need Our Own NFP Tribe & How To Find Yours

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Living the natural family planning lifestyle can sometimes feel like a solo hike up a steep mountain. We start off excited, convicted (by the science and Church teaching), and as prepared as we can be for this beautiful endeavor. A few miles in, we are facing an unexpected obstacle, nursing […]

3 pitfalls to avoid natural family planning

3 Pitfalls To Avoid While Practicing Natural Family Planning

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5 Ways To Nurture Your Marriage In A Season Of Infertility

5 Ways To Nurture Your Marriage In A Season Of Infertility

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Five Things Children Of Divorce Want The Church To Know

Five Things Children Of Divorce Want The Church To Know

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn Every year over a million children experience the divorce of their parents, and at least one-quarter of all young adults are children of divorce. And those numbers grow when you include people whose parents never married but later split up, or those whose parents divorce later in life (“gray divorce,” […]

catholic marriage fighting all couples argue

If This Is What Marriage Implies, Is It Really Worth It? The Strange Things That All Couples Fight Over

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Gmail LinkedIn oday’s video could be useful for illustrating the daily quarrels that we can all relate to. Although I myself am not married and am on my way towards the priesthood, more than once I have witnessed –with a bit of awe to be honest–the surprising capacity of loving couples to […]


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