Social media tends to give the false perception that Valentine’s Day is the day of the year in which every person on earth enjoys the most romantic date night ever with the person of his or her dreams. Though it would be nice for that to happen, it is simply not a...
15 Real-life Examples Of How To “Offer It Up” (and the meaning behind the phrase)
"Oh, Caleb, just offer it up!" I've probably uttered this phrase in exasperation a few more times than necessary. It's my go-to line when my kids complain too much about anything from being hungry to physical ailments. I must be honest, though, I really have...
Delightful Muppet Parodies Of The Christmas Story
Whether it be to bring a little joy to do your day or lighten up your talk about the Advent season, this delightful parody tells the Christmas story in a new and unique way. The video was produced by Puppetunes, a place for Biblical, downloadable song parodies. The...
A Must See Tap Dance Duel Between Two Seminarians
The video shows Reverend David Rider, 29, of New York and Reverend John Gibson, 28, from Milwaukee, engaging in a bit of healthy competition and sharing their tapping talents during a fundraiser at the North American College (NAC), an American seminary in Rome, near...
The Bedtime Routine Every Catholic Needs For A Good Night Sleep
More than one-third of American adults do not get enough sleep on a regular basis, according to the CDC. From having difficulty in performing your daily tasks to unintentionally nodding off in class or, worse, while driving, sleep insufficiency is something worth...
Godly Responses To The 12 Most Asked Rude, Awkward, And Embarrassing Questions
Like it or not, the chances are good that when you are in a social situation, you will most likely get asked a few embarrassing questions that come off as a bit rude or insensitive. Sometimes you can plan on it. Every year you can be prepared that right in...
9 Saints That Had Superhero Powers In Real Life
These days, the most popular movies often involve superheroes (Ironman, Captain America, etc.). They show us a series of admirable values such as nobility, courage, and integrity. We watch as hundreds of thousands of children fill the movie theaters to watch their...
Why No One’s Laughing And Everyone’s Offended: Political Correctness
esesourBig Think released a video a few years ago which struck a chord in many, receiving over 9 million views in 3 days. John Cleese, a well-known comedian, basically says that political correctness has gone too far, especially on America's college campuses,...
5 Catholic Websites Every Mom Must Visit (Updated!)
"We used to talk on the phone ALL the time." This is my favorite quote from the WhatsUpMoms "Friends Without Kids" video. I stopped talking on the phone once unlimited texting was made available. Actual talking on the phone means that others can hear...
7 Quotes That Show Humor Is Essential To Our Faith
I love this quote below from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. It actually alludes to humor and faith together, which is a little unusual. But more than that, it places humor correctly where it belongs in our faith. We often think of humor at odds with such a thing as...
What Are Kids Most Thankful For? We Asked Them And They Taught Us A Lot
We asked children to share with us what they are most thankful for this year. The answers will make you smile, laugh, and even tear up. Jesus reminds us, "...unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven" in...
QUIZ: What Medieval Times Religious Order Would You Belong To?
Many of us have heard of the great feats accomplished by the knights and saints in medieval times, perhaps certain names come to mind: Robert of Molesme, Saint Dominic de Guzman, Saint Benedict of Nursia, Saint Bruno, Saint Francis of Assisi, or Saint Bernard of...
How the Fear of Failure Keeps Us From Reaching Our Goals
Ask anyone why they have not yet achieved a goal and you will usually get fear as their reason for not attempting to pursue their desire. I’m afraid I will fail. I’m afraid my life will have to change. I’m afraid I’m not prepared. The list of fears that hold us...
Steven Colbert’s Hilarious Video: “You Might Think You Are a Person, but Really You’re a Brand”
Stephen Colbert hilariously captures the world of ‘lifestyle brands’ in this clip from the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. This is the world where your favorite celebrity builds up their own brand, allowing you to see the clothing and household items that they have...
Three Questions Catholics Should Ask Before Telling A Joke
Maybe you’re the class clown, storyteller, or the dry humor sort. We all have our own taste in humor. I admit that lately I have favored “punny” jokes. Guess how many people laugh at my Catholic jokes? ...Nun. Whichever flavor of humor you enjoy the most, when you...
Jimmy Fallon’s Search for Meaning
Late night host Jimmy Fallon recently spent 10 days in the ICU recovering from a fall in which he severely injured his finger. When Fallon returned to the “Tonight Show” after a two week hiatus, he shared the details of his injury and hospital stay with his audience....
“The Incredibles” (2004) | Catholic Movie Review
“The Incredibles” is an animated film that focuses on the life of a family in which all members have superhero powers. It is one of those few animated productions that has the unusual ability to reach a big range of ages with its plot, including adults. Beyond the...
15 Reasons Dads Are Awesome
Our culture places many pressures on fathers today. They must be strong, yet sensitive; hardworking, yet spend quality time with their families; have well behaved children, yet not be too authoritative. The list could go on. Society expects men to be perfect fathers,...
Is Chivalry Dead? Young Men Weigh In On The Question
Buzzfeed put together a video asking a group of men and women: is chivalry dead? There are mixed responses that show the general understanding of our culture today. In the video, one of the men asked, “are we implying that women are literally so dainty that they...
15 Typical Excuses People Give For Not Going To Mass…And How To Respond!
It's all too easy to find some reason not to go to Mass. All of us probably have at least one good excuse that we could use to try to justify skipping Mass, but the Mass is the greatest gift that God has given to us. Today’s post takes a look at some of the...
What Would You Tell A Baby On Their First Day Here?
“Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:3 Throughout our lives, we have made many sacrifices to God. Now it’s a good time to start recognizing how amazing God is to us. It is a...
14 Fun Ways to Spend Valentine’s Day When You’re Not in a Relationship
Valentine's Day can be tough when you're not in a relationship. Everywhere you turn it's hearts and chocolates and romance... for everyone else! Don't let that get you feeling down. Get out there and make the most of this special day that our culture uses...
18 Excuses People Give For Not Praying
How many times have we heard these from our friends? Or more, how many times have we used these same excuses ourselves when we are not actively praying? Have we really abandoned our relationship with the Lord for these types of reasons? Whether we want to or not, each...
15 Things People Who Don’t Understand Catholicism Love To Say
With today's post, we would like to express our feelings of solidarity and friendship for all those Catholics in the world who time and time again have to listen and respond with charity to such a wide variety of questions, concerns or complaints about the Catholic...
Make Laughter A Common Place In Uncommon Places
Comedian Michael Jr. presents a video that outlines his overarching goal in his comedy career. He describes his big break that occurred when he began to do comedy for others and not for himself. Michael describes this change in his interior that transformed his...