One year, Jill had her Advent, and her whole life flipped upside down. Awaiting Christmas and the birth of her first child, Jill's excitement was shattered by an unexpected diagnosis. Jill found God in a new way through this experience and shares how surprising...
Liturgical Seasons
The Boy Who Learned to Share
Part of growing up is learning to share. Sometimes however we fail to recall the verb we just used: learning. Learning means effort, sacrifice, decision. It isn’t something that just appears in your heart one day, you have to want it! Today’s video is a beautiful...
Advent is More Than A Waiting Game
ver noticed that when you wait in line for something, your desire grows? Or how the aroma of the sizzling steak on the grill whets the appetite? Or how about the phone call from a loved one that says he or she is arriving in just a few minutes? The...
Christmas: The Most Absurd Claim in History?! This Video Explains it All
The very idea of Christmas is completely absurd. The mighty God as a little baby?! That's the most outrageous claim of any Faith in history. Yet, if God is love, nothing else would do. A great reflection by Christopher Stefanick. A Child Is Born...
To Avoid Being A Christmas Hypocrite We Must Do More Than Decorate, Bake, and Sing
Today's video reveals the inner match that goes on between the "religiously-correct" speeches that we give and the reality that we live. "The authenticity of our faith is always being tested, especially during Christmas. It's not just our words that matter. It's our...
Video Reflections for the 4 Weeks of Advent with Fr. Pontifex
"The Advent season is time for us to slow down, pray and to seek to vigilant for the coming of Jesus Christ. Our cues from secular culture can easily move us in the opposite direction, becoming more frantic and materialistic. We may become feel the need to work hard...
Asking Is Believing: What Can Santa Claus Teach Us About Faith?
While passengers at Toronto and Hamilton International Airports were waiting to board their flight to Calgary, a virtual Santa Claus learned what passengers wanted for Christmas. After everyone boarded their flights, 150 merry WestJetters became Santa’s...
Christmas Without Christ Is Just An Empty Tradition
In this short animated film, urban poet, Rael James Mason, explores what Christmas is all about trying to help people think through the message of Christmas. The basic idea is: Christmas without Christ is just any empty tradition. The ironic thing is that the...
5 Videos To Help You Live The Entire Christmas Season
Last year we launched Advent Avalanche for our Advent campaign; featuring videos from around the web showing the true meaning of the season as a time for preparation and anticipation for the coming of the Lord Jesus. We had quite an outstanding set, with a range of...
He Came To Pay For Our… Broken Plates
#Fallingplates is a video produced by the Christian agency, CRU Global. During its 4-minute duration – which seems to pass by in a glimpse of an eye – the production uses a series of metaphoric images through which leads us along the path of mankind: creation, sin,...
The Beautiful History Of Easter…From a Child’s Perspective
Today's video narrates the story of Easter from a child's perspective. As with a few other videos that we have posted of this nature, the child's simplicity has a way of penetrating past our routinized indifference and restoring in us a sense of simplicity and...
“Making All Things New” Music/Video compilation of Christ’s Passion
In watching this beautiful video, one fundamental idea came to me: Christ wants my heart. All that He did and continues to do is in hopes that I will allow him to truly enter into the core of my being, to allow his life to enter into mine and to make it full, to...
Holy Week Explained In 2 Minutes!
Today's video offers a brief and condensed explanation of Holy Week, a time in the liturgical calendar very rich in meaning and symbols. It is important that we continue to deepen the meaning and the reality behind these symbols. This Holy Week, we are invited to...
The Desert Experience: 40 Days To Return To What Is Essential
The desert experience is one in which Christ lives out to the extreme the question: what is truly important in life? We too must ask ourselves this question. How many times do we invest our time, our efforts, our worries in things that really don’t matter? What is...
9 Things To Reflect On That Will Help You “Get” Lent
On Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, at the imposition of ashes, we hear the first words of Jesus in the gospel of Mark (1:15), “Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” His powerful and simple words provide us direction and guidance as we journey through the sacred...
Christmas Greeting From The Catholic-Link Team
The message that we find in today's video is clear enough: Christmas is about Jesus. Amongst all the gifts, the wrappings, the fruitcakes, the visits to Santa Claus, and everything else, don't forget this essential point. A good way to tell if you have or have not, is...
“Waiting” Isn’t An Attractive Word, Is It?
This video captures the melancholic colors of an unfulfilled life, which is all too familiar for most of us. Images of a broken world and a myriad of human chaos is juxtaposed by a quiet and vulnerable baby boy, the Messiah in the manger. The producers express...
A Social Network Christmas – is this the fastest way to spread the Good News?
The next video in the Advent Avalanche is Igniter Media’s Social Network Christmas, which uses a facebook-style format to tell the Christmas story through the news feeds of Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth and Zechariah, with cameo appearances from the Emperor Augustus and...
Advent: What is it that I want to prepare for?
At this time of year we are bombarded with so many commercials by those who want to sell us all the ingredients for a perfect Christmas – lots of food and a multitude of gifts. How many of these commercials have Christmas carols in the background? When we stop and...
What’s the Deal with Catholics and the Immaculate Conception?
As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, it is a great day to ask some important questions about Mary, like: “What’s the deal with Catholics and Mary? Why do Catholics worship her? (We don't.) How could a virgin give birth? What is the Immaculate...
Let every knee bow… in a shopping center?!
Here at CL, we strive to do our job, and to do it well. We search for videos, categorize them, then, with comments and links, we offer some helpful resources. It’s important work, but insufficient. There are certain times in the year where we need a push, a greater...
What Is Advent? Fun Animation That Drives The Meaning Home!
A fun and animated video that presents two very different views of what the Advent season is all about. It was released by As always, I encourage that when we see these videos, we watch them not just for ourselves, rather that we understand them as an...
A Christmas Story: A great video reminds us of the “why” behind Advent!
et us go to the house of the Lord!". These words … clearly express the feelings that fill our hearts during Advent. The reason why we can go ahead joyfully, as the Apostle Paul has exhorted us, lies in the fact that our salvation is now at hand....