“Fearless” – A Powerful Film About The Holy Spirit That You Don’t Want To Miss

by Confirmation, Evangelization, Holy Spirit, Movie Reviews and Recommendations, Outstanding Initiatives, Prayer

Have you ever witnessed the power of the Holy Spirit? Not many of us can say that we have actually seen a miracle occur before our very eyes. In the exciting new film about the Holy Spirit, Fearless, you will have the opportunity to watch miracles unfold as you witness Catholics join together to pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to come alive in the lives of ordinary people.

Fearless: A Documentary On The Holy Spirit

What Are Catholic Leaders Saying About Fearless?

When we hear people talk about praying for miracles, signs, and wonders, we might think that it is something for Evangelicals, or something that happened only in Biblical times. Catholics don’t pray over people and experience miraculous healings… do they? 

Fearless will help you discover all that the Holy Spirit desires for the Catholic Church through eye-opening stories of faith, as well as strong theological teaching. Dr. Ralph Martin, Dr. Mary Healy, and Fr. Mathias Thelen provide the insight we need into the Church history behind this movement of the Spirit. Watching other Catholics take the initiative to pray with others will inspire you to do the same. This film is a wonderful step towards embracing the New Evangelization.

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This is an excellent opportunity for you to outreach to a group of family, friends, or parishioners. Plan to watch Fearless, discuss the content, and take the time to pray with those that you bring together. The film is intended to reach the average Catholic sitting in the pews of your Church and to stir their desire to know more of God through the Holy Spirit. Young adults will be especially moved as they witness other young people on college campuses living out the faith with passion and zeal.

Be sure to get a ticket for the online premiere on April 22nd and when you visit the Fearless website you will be able to download a free 6-minute preview. Check it out before April 15th to get the early bird pricing.

You are sure to be impressed by the work of Urban Ministry Productions, Director Maura Smith, and Producer Michael Sullivan. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to grow in your faith, knowledge, and desire of the Holy Spirit!

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