Faith Resources For Middle Schoolers

by Apostolate

For the sake of #socialdistancing and #flattenthecurve, take a look below at some resources to help foster your domestic church. This list is not exhaustive or sponsored, just a few ideas to help during this time!

Ascension Presents is a YouTube channel that offers video resources featuring “faith-filled, entertaining, and dynamic speakers,” including Fr. Mike Schmitz, Jackie Francois-Angel, and Dr. Edward Sri. Carpe Verbum is a digital lectio divina source. Access the content off their website or via daily text. This resource to daily seize the Word is designed specifically for teens, but people of all ages will benefit from the daily reflections and prayer. links to free downloads of the Sunday readings through the “Living with Christ” periodicals. Also offered are content on saint feast days during Lent, music and lyrics, and trivia quizzes for families. 

Dynamic Catholic led by international speaker Matthew Kelly has a “Making the Most of the Situation” compilation of resources, including videos and session outlines for you and your children. Access these resources off scrolling banner on their homepage. 

FORMED, often described as a”Catholic Netflix” has a plethora of resources for you and your family. Adult, teen, or child. Video, audio, or book.  For those parishes who have subscribed to FORMED, if you have not already registered, you can do so here simply by selecting your parish.  In light of the current climate, they have even set apart a “Faith at Home” collection accessible off their home screen.

On a webinar earlier this week for parish leaders, the people at FORMED also offered this resource which includes age-specific recommendations (scroll further down the page). While it was intended for parish leadership, you are THE leadership at home. 

LifeTeen is an international youth ministry movement with a mission to lead teens closer to Christ. While they have content that is directed towards teenagers, they also have a ministry catered towards parents called LT Parent Life to help build parent/teen relationship and understanding. They also just launched (I got the email about it yesterday) a website dedicated to bringing your families and teens resources to engage in the liturgy when we are not able to attend public Mass. 

LifeTeen  also has a Youtube channel with plenty of past content for you and your teen to discuss. Finally, beginning next Sunday, March 29th, they are uploading 30-minute sessions to feature speakers, musicians, and a live host to engage with the online community. They will begin our first series looking at the theological virtues – beginning with hope. These weekly meetings will happen live at 5:00 PM ET and will remain live on their YouTube channel for viewing afterward.

If your parish subscribes to LifeTeen and uses their content on the regular, contact your parish Director of Youth Ministry or Director of Faith Formation for your parish username and password. Some content is exclusive to parish subscribers, but there is plenty to access without a subscription. 

Loyola Press is a curriculum company based on Jesuit spirituality. In case your parish uses their content, contact your Director of Faith Formation for more information or check this out to start. 

Magnificat is a monthly publication providing the daily Mass readings, reflections, prayers and more. They have opened up their subscription, offering complimentary access to their online version of their publication. 

The National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry, an arm of the USCCB, has a working list of online resources to support young people, parents, grandparents, prayer, mental health, and more. 

Pflaum Publishing Group is offering free digital versions of their Gospel weeklies, music, videos, and more. 

ProjectYM is a youth ministry resource ambitiously planning the largest digital youth nights starting this Sunday with ProjectYMLive. It’s simple: teens are able to log on Sunday nights for a free live broadcast. They even have additional resources for parents and youth ministers to have follow up conversations with teens after the broadcast. Each broadcast is an hour-long and includes games, music, and a teaching from one of the top Catholic youth ministry speakers in the country. Teens will be able to watch the live stream from any device. Contact your parish Director of Youth Ministry to see if your parish is signed up.

RCL Benzinger is another curriculum company. If your parish has purchased their curriculum, I understand that their program “Flourish” is an e-book accessible to parishioners for each textbook that was purchased. Contact your Director of Faith Formation for the log-in and more information. 

Strong Catholic Family Faith resources families sponsored by the USCCB’s catechetical arm of the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. They’ve compiled a number of online resources, as well as resources addressing the COVID 19 response and how to talk to your kids about it. 

VCat(Video Catechism) is not necessarily a response to COVID 19, but is a great video resource to check out in conjunction with the YouCat. An initiative launched by the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston in partnership with Outside da Box, this source includes videos and discussion guides for you and your teen.

Photo credit to parroquiamadridejos. 

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