Be aware. Understand. Take action. These three steps are the fundamental message of St. Ignatius’ 14 Rules for Discernment of Spirits. First, we must become aware of what is happening in our spiritual lives, specifically, where we are in relation to God and what...
Spiritual Warfare
How Do I Know What God’s Will Is When Both Choices Are Good Things?
Every day, we face numerous choices, many of eternal consequences. When our hearts and minds are ordered toward God, these choices are usually between two goods. We could read to our children, or pray the rosary. We could spend Saturday afternoon...
What Happens When A Person Is Blessed By A Priest? 5 Spiritual & Temporal Benefits
Sacramentals are powerful sacred signs and an indispensable means of grace. Through them, the liberation from evil and the healing of sicknesses (including psychological disorders) can occur and conversions may happen. Sacramentals can help to overcome multiple...
Strengthen Your Will— Fast
Is there something wrong with your life? Maybe something is missing. Maybe you’re depressed. Maybe you’re overwhelmed. Maybe you’re trapped by compulsive behavior. Maybe there’s a particular sin you haven’t been able to overcome no matter how hard you’ve tried? Maybe...
Discernment Of Spirits And Mental Health: The 3 Spirits At Work In Our Lives
I want to introduce two things to you- discernment of spirits as taught by St. Ignatius and Satan as the great accuser. St. Ignatius taught that there are three spirits at work in our lives. The first is the spirit of God. The idea is that we can tell which...
A Pardon Crucifix: Should Catholics Have One?
One of the most common objects Catholics keep in their homes is a crucifix. Jesus’ suffering on the Cross is a reminder that his death was the means to destroying death. Many non-Catholics have charged Catholics with being too focused on the death of Christ rather...
The Spiritual Warfare Of Motherhood
I find that the term “spiritual warfare” often makes me think it’s more dramatic and epic than it actually is. I think of saints doing heroic penances and exorcists fighting off demons, but truly spiritual warfare is often a subtle battle the devil wages against us to...
How To Distinguish Mortal And Venial Sins
The virtue of charity is our union with God. The Council of Trent declared that we maintain the virtues of faith and hope after we commit a mortal sin, both of which encourage us to seek out the sacrament of confession. But the Catechism of the Council of...
What Would The Saints Say To Will Smith And Chris Rock?
Even if you didn't watch the Oscars, you've likely seen all over social media what occurred between Chris Rock, Jada Pinkett Smith, and Will Smith. An offensive joke was told at the expense of Jada Pinkett Smith and her husband retaliated by walking on stage to slap...
5 Signs You’re Struggling With Scrupulosity
What is Scrupulosity? Scrupulosity is a disorder in which someone is pathologically obsessed with moral or religious issues, and it makes them act in a compulsive and often distressing way. Someone suffering from scrupulosity has obsessions, feels compulsions, has...
Understanding Atheism When It’s Hidden From Sight
When I was a boy Soviet Russia and Red China were the great atheistic superpowers. It was part of their avowed plan to stamp out religion in all its forms. Seminaries and religious schools were closed. The printing of Bibles and religious books was banned. Christian...
What Is Sin And What Are Its Effects?
Called to Conversion We are all called to conversion. This was a fundamental part of the proclamation of the kingdom of God and the Gospel. The first call to Christ and His Gospel leads us to Baptism in which we receive “the...
Women Doctors Of The Church: St. Teresa Of Avila
Teresa was born on March 28, 1515 and died on October 4, 1582. St. Teresa of Avila was born into the age of exploration in Spain, just two decades after Christopher Columbus opened exploration for Europe in the Americas. At the...
Spiritual Training: A Workout For Your Soul
When I first heard Matthew Kelly state, "Our lives change when our habits change," it rang so true in my heart. In fact, looking back those words rang true in regards to all of my life experiences. In school, if I wanted to get an A on the test, I put in the...
What Is The Principle of Double Effect?
Basis of Moral Theology – Object, Intention, and Circumstance Human acts are freely chosen because God has given us the gift of freedom. When we act deliberately, we are the author of our actions. If we act, then those actions can be morally evaluated as good or evil....
5 Patron Saints Every Student Needs To Know About!
Ever need help with your studies? For many students, there are times when motivation is hard and studying is full of stress. The Church has recognized certain people as saints, stating with confidence that they are in Heaven and able to intercede on our behalf before...
Responding To The Other Virus: Unemployment
“After a lot of thought and it was a very hard decision, unfortunately, we have to make you redundant.” Those are words that rank up there with “you’ve tested positive for coronavirus” that no person wants to hear. A second virus is now raging a war on us and that is...
How To Quit Pornography…From Someone Who Has Been There
Three years ago, today, I published a blog about my personal struggle with pornography. Before that day, I had never spoken openly about porn, it was very much a secret problem that had been eating me up for years. More than anything else I have ever written, I look...
Do You Recognize The Voice Of The Good Shepherd?
Sometimes I think Jesus gives us too much credit. This past Sunday's Gospel reading, on what is often known as Good Shepherd Sunday, makes what I consider a big assumption. ". . . [T]he sheep follow [the shepherd], because they recognize his voice. But they will not...
The Devil Will Use Covid-19 Fears To Get To You… Here’s How You Can Beat Him!
The world will never be the same again after the Covid-19 pandemic finally ends (whenever that may be!). Every generation faces at least one mega-crisis that forever changes the way the world operates. In my lifetime so far, it had been the events on 9/11 and the 2008...
The Example Of Saints In Times Of Trial: A Priest, A Lay Man, And A Pope
FAITH IN TIME OF WAR, Servant of God Emil Kapaun: Fr. Emil Kapaun’s cause for canonization is proceeding forward, and he is currently recognized by the Church with the title: Servant of God. He was a priest and chaplain in the United States Army during the Second...
Overcoming Spiritual Discouragement With Fr. Timothy Gallagher
Catholic-Link was blessed to host Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V. to share his wisdom with us. Below you'll find a recording of the conversation we had. Overcoming Spiritual Discouragement With Fr. Timothy Gallagher, O.M.V....
‘Behold Your Mother’: How Coronavirus Is Turning The Church Towards Mary
It seems that it is impossible to have a conversation about anything other than the Coronavirus pandemic at the moment. I’ve noticed that my own habit of turning to social media to relax has had its effect reversed, with it only streaming more anxious voices into my...
How Fitness Affects Our Spiritual Lives
Show me a Catholic who doesn’t exercise and I’ll show you a person who wished they lived life more fully integrated with a strong and stable connection in body and soul. Because of the intricate fusion of such, we have not only the right but this duty by which to...
Preparing For Peace: A Catholic Lenten Journal For Women With Anxiety
In the last few years, the Catholic scene has been exploding with new prayer journals. This trend is a good tracking point for the effectiveness of the New Evangelization. The need for these journals shows that more people are yearning to spend time in prayer and to...