With all the evil and suffering in the world, how does the less than twenty hours of the Passion of our Lord atone for all of the evil of human history? Many new Christians hear the saving message that Christ died to save them upon the Cross. But, how exactly does...
Meaning of Suffering
“The Skinny On Fasting” – A Funny Video On A Serious Christian Discipline
Have you been fasting this Lent? Sure, it's a struggle, but this ancient, scriptural, necessary Christian discipline is something Jesus expected and which Catholics for hundreds of years took as a given. (Check out our Illustrated Guide to Fasting) You're not supposed...
These Horrifying Saint Costume Ideas Will Freak Your Friends Out
If you think Saint costumes are boring, think again! Check out these gory, gruesome, and horrifying costumes that will have your friends talking all night long. It's an interesting way to evangelize, but it just might work. 8 Scary Saint Costumes Saint Ursula - The...
10 Ways To Help A Grieving Mom Through Pregnancy Loss
Through my three pregnancy losses, I have been absolutely blown away by my amazing community of family and friends. I am in awe of the loving strength and selfless support that is given by so many people around me, male and female, old and young, close friends and...
The Path of Suffering | Liturgy Live Palm Sunday
This week on the podcast we go over the entrance into Jerusalem and the problem of suffering in our faith life. How our Baptism, or conversion, is a joyful entrance in to the life of faith, but it is the suffering of the cross that is our path to unity with God. In...
Hold Fast | Liturgy Live 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week we talk about the Suffering Servant, Christ who suffers for us so we can find Him in our own suffering. He has been tested so we can follow Him in our own testing. We bring in movies and sports to express stories and human tendencies. Should we strive for...
This Short Film Showed Me That Even When I feel Abandoned, God Is There
When we go through moments of pain and difficulty, it is easy to blame God or feel abandoned by Him, so in this post, I want to talk about those moments in which pain makes us feel confused. When I was about seven years old, I was playing at home, running, until I...
How Our Suffering Can Help Others
“Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy.” - Jeremiah 15:16 What in life seems incomprehensible, many times comes to reveal itself as utterly essential. There are transitions we make in life without realizing it, transitions marked by...
A Young Adult Shares Her Powerful and Beautiful Testimony About Emotional Healing After Heart Surgery
Growing up, I ticked of all the ‘weird kid’ qualities. Bookworm? Tick. Shy Catholic girl? Big tick. Facial scarring? Tick. Scar from open-heart surgery? Tick. You know how everyone gets known for something for in highschool? Try being known as that weird kid who...
Austin Hatch Is A Living Miracle And His Advice To College Grads Is Going Viral
If you're not yet familiar with the story of Austin Hatch, you will be. This young man is on the path to greatness. Not because of what he's doing, but because of the way he is letting God work within him. Austin is a survivor of not one, but two fatal plane...
A List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation
The most comprehensive List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation. Ask the Saints to interceded for you and get to know their stories! You'll be glad you did. A List Of Saints Who Never Suffered, Faced Trials, Or Experienced Temptation...
Does God See My Pain? The Question That Holy Week Answers
"One of life's greatest scandals is pain." - Archbishop Fulton Sheen In the midst of pain and suffering, it can be tempting to fall into despair and feel as though God does not see what we are going through. In this powerful video produced by Thing In A Pot...
Suffering Doesn’t Always Make Sense, But Embracing It Could Save Lives
One of the things we say when referring to Jesus, is that we call Him our Redeemer. We do this because Jesus died on the cross to pay the debt that came to be on account of our sin. By His death and resurrection, He won us freedom from the bondage that comes about...
A Catholic Woman Shares Her Victory Over Depression
"For so long, I kept things to myself and refused to open up because I didn't want to burden people with my problems and because I didn't think anyone would understand what I was going through. I was so wrong. No matter who you are, no matter what you're struggling...
A Catholic’s Response To Rapper Hopsin’s Viral Rejection Of Christianity
One of the most “thumbed-up” comments for this video reads: “18k priests disliked this video.” Given the cursing, vulgarity, and out-right rebellion before God and the Christian faith it might seem obvious. (Viewer discretion is advised!) Still I think Hopsin's...
5 Ways To Be Mad At God & Open Up To Him In Prayer
I frequently get mad at God (maybe more than I should?... I don’t know whether there's a reasonable limit to these things). The thing is, I used to think it wasn’t okay, that it meant my faith and love were weak. Little by little, with the Holy Spirit’s help, I’ve...
Are You Prepared To Face Persecution?
Did you ever wish that the The Sound of Music was real? The heroes /heroines, the nuns saving lives, the incredible family? Did it inspire endless daydreams about what you would do if you'd lived in Europe during WWII? The musical was based on the book Sound of Music...
6 Spiritual Lessons I Learned From The Book Of Job
If you haven’t read this Old Testament book, you’ve missed out on a major part of the Jewish spiritual understanding of pain and suffering. I won’t narrate the complete story, but in summary Job had to go through tremendous calamities. He lost his possessions, his...
What Do The Lamp, The Oil, And Sleepiness Symbolize in The Parable Of The 10 Virgins?
For those who have had the experience of keeping watch over a sick person through the night, especially if it was a very close loved one, you know what it means to fight off sleep. You do everything in your power to stay awake; you use every ounce of strength; you...
Matt Maher’s Newest Release “Echoes” Will Bring Hope
Catholic music fans should be prepared to love the sounds on Matt Maher's newest album, "Echoes," as well as the message behind the lyrics. This is Maher's eighth full-length album, and he has previously won eight Grammys for his work. "Echoes" speaks to the heart of...
4 Things God Might Be Up To When You Are Suffering And Cannot Feel His Presence
I don’t have an answer to “if there is a God, why is there suffering?”. It is a question I repeatedly struggle with, but it is a question that I do try to engage with. In recent years I have had a few extremely painful experiences that have left me asking exactly...
7 Powerful Stories of Hope Amidst the Suffering of Hurricane Harvey
The world has watched in horror this last week as Hurricane Harvey unleashed its destruction on Texas, Houston in particular. The suffering and devastation it has left in its wake has been horrendous and very frightening. However, as the famous Fred Rogers quote goes,...
How To Look Suffering In The Eye
Matthew 16:21-27 Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised. Then Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him,”God...
The Weakness Of St. Peter: What He Teaches Us About Surrendering Our Fears
How do you deal with suffering? How do you learn to push through discomfort, fear and anxiety for the sake of Jesus Christ? At some point in life, we all must encounter fears, and some of them are too heavy to overcome alone. In Matthew 16:21, Peter balks at Jesus'...
St. Teresa Benedicta Of The Cross 18 Beautiful Quotes From The Champion Of The Feminine, Martyr Of Auschwitz
St. Teresa Benedicta. Do you know her? You ought to. Edith Stein was born in 1891 in Germany, the youngest of 11 children. She was raised Jewish but fell away from the faith and all belief in God as a teen. Highly gifted, Stein grew up to obtain her doctorate in...