Every year over a million children experience the divorce of their parents, and at least one-quarter of all young adults are children of divorce. And those numbers grow when you include people whose parents never married but later split up, or those whose parents...
What is evangelization and how can Catholics do it? Read more to find out.
What Was Said At The National Catholic Prayer Breakfast In Washington, DC?
Jeff Cavins, Catholic Bible evangelist, and Most Reverend Steven J. Lopes the Bishop of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter had the opportunity to share some words of wisdom at the 2021 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast (NCPB) that was held on...
The End Times: The Great Warning And Illumination Of Conscience
There is an alleged apparition of Our Lady at Garabandal that talks about The Great Warning and Illumination of Conscience at the end of time. According to the Marian apparition, the Great Warning is the illumination of conscience that comes shortly before the end...
Saint Augustine’s “Confessions” | 11 Essential Quotes On The Christian Life
The Confessions is the book through which I encountered a great saint. It is the book I recommend the most when it comes to conversion and the spiritual fight. In addition to being a beautiful dialogue between Saint Augustine and God, this autobiography shows that the...
A Catholic Reflection Guide For The Chosen
What's The Chosen? The Chosen is the first multi-season television series about the life of Christ, as witnessed through the eyes of those He impacted. Directed by Dallas Jenkins (The Resurrection of Gavin Stone) and distributed by VidAngel Studios, The...
5 Ways To Elevate Your Experience Of The Liturgy
Elevating Your Experience Of The Liturgy After more than a year of dispensations from attending the Mass, Catholics around the world are taking a look at the liturgy with fresh eyes. As the saying goes “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” For a few, the pandemic may...
This Is The Saying Every Catholic Parish Needs To Stop Using
"We've always done it that way." Now is the time for the Catholic Church to stop using this as an excuse. Why? In parishes across the world, efficiency and comfort have stifled creativity. Instead of innovation, we've opted for convenience. Instead of finding new ways...
8 Practical Ways To Be A Catholic School That Promotes Vocations
Did you know that studies consistently show that 70% of the newly ordained first heard the call to the priesthood between birth and 18 years of age? (1) At the risk of stating the obvious, these are the prime educational years for faith formation. Children should...
3 Ways To Grow In Chastity Before Marriage
Chaste dating is no walk in the park, but it is possible. We’ve been in relationships in the past that were unchaste and ended very badly. When we started courting, we didn’t want to repeat the same habits from our past relationships, so we had to do things...
What’s Wrong With Manliness In Today’s Culture?
Depending where you look, and who you listen to, the current state of manliness seems pretty bleak. Are authentically masculine men still a thing? Has manliness changed? In a recent video, Dave DiNuzzo of TrueManhood Catholic Men’s Ministry and Drew Taylor of To The...
Virtue Is The Answer | TrueManhood’s Guide To Virtue
Everyone struggles with something. A root sin, a set of bad habits, some sort of fear, something that causes undue anxiety, etc. Many (most?) of us struggle with many such things. So what does a person do? Drew Taylor and I sat down recently to discuss this topic, and...
July Is Devoted To The Precious Blood Of Jesus | Mark Your Calendar!
Did you know that each month has a traditional Catholic devotion? This year, let’s focus on each devotion month-by-month to grow in our faith and traditions! Make yourself notes, write it on your calendar, and pray a specific prayer each day of the month to remember....
Meet Venerable Jan Tyranowski: An Ordinary Man With An Extraordinary Impact
In the early 1940s, the Nazis dominated many countries in central Europe. And they were not neutral toward religion. They sought to destroy the Catholic Church, sending thousands of priests and religious to concentration camps, silencing any opposition from...
We’ve Found A Liturgical Living Hack That Will Make Your Life Easier
Ever found a resource that you know is going to make a huge difference in your family life? Some of our Catholic-Link team members received a review copy of Kendra Tierney's newest book, The Catholic All Year Prayer Companion: The Liturgical Year in Practice and we...
St. Anthony – More Than A Patron Saint Of Lost Car Keys
Who is Saint Anthony? Many of us know he is the patron Saint of lost things but often that's all we know. He is a doctor of the Church, Saint of miracles, and much more! Saint Anthony, is one of the Doctors of the Church, and there are many prayers to St Anthony. Why...
June Is Devoted To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus | Mark Your Calendar!
Did you know that each month has a traditional Catholic devotion? We can focus on each devotion month-by-month to grow in our faith and traditions. Make notes for yourself, write them on your calendar, and pray a specific prayer each day of the month to remember. You...
4 Unique Videos About The Holy Spirit
Pentecost brought the Holy Spirit to the Church. This Pentecost, let’s talk a little about the Holy Spirit! If you are looking for resources and ways to grow your relationship and understanding of the Holy Spirit, we have four great videos for you! 4 Unique Videos...
Discovering The Eucharist On Every Page Of The Bible
“Parousia: The Bible and the Mass” We are proud to share with you a phenomenal Bible study series at the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology called “Parousia: The Bible and the Mass” hosted by Dr. Scott Hahn. Beautifully presented, impeccably edited, with masterful...
Welcoming Them Home: 7 Tips For Churches To Reengage Parishioners
I remember the first Mass I attended after COVID-19 caused lockdowns countrywide and cut off access to the sacraments. I hadn’t been to Mass in more than two months, and I craved the Eucharist more than anything else I’d lost during the pandemic. The Mass was going to...
New Catholic Podcast Helping Young Adults On The Path To Holiness
Are you searching for reading reflections that will take you deeper into your spiritual life and want to learn more about the Catholic faith? Welcome to the Stephen F. Austin Catholic Campus Ministry podcast! The SFA Podcast leads you to stretch your knowledge and see...
5 Triduum Traditions To Help Your Family Celebrate Holy Week
In Holy Week, the Catholic Church invites us to experience the most critical moments in history. In the business of daily life, the repetitive nature of the liturgical calendar, and the extended season of Lent, it's easy to miss the power of these days. If you are...
6 Things That Make This Young Adult Ministry One of The Best In The World
Studies show that the first five years of our lives are the most critical for our human development. Not surprisingly, this is a crucial time for undergoing brain development, language skills, and physical growth. But studies also show that this is not the only stage...
How in the world do you help someone get to the point where they can confidently say they know Jesus? Like truly, authentically know Him? All year, I’ve asked the students I walk with in discipleship whether or not they know Jesus. Like truly, on an intimate level....
3 Things I Learned From PRAY: The Story Of Patrick Peyton
If you've not yet had the opportunity to watch PRAY: The Story of Patrick Peyton, I highly encourage you to make the time to see this inspiring documentary. Before watching this film I, sadly, had never heard of Fr. Peyton. I had no idea of the incredibly innovative...
For The Love Of The World, OSV Challenge Is Back!
Calling all those with restaurant napkin sketches, late-night brainstorms, pipe dreams, unfinished thoughts, and even up-and-running businesses! The OSV Challenge is back for 2021 and looking to accelerate big ideas for a shot at one of three $100,000 prizes....