An Entire RCIA Program Available FREE! So Many Uses For This Great Resource

by Apologetics, Evangelization

I’ve often wished that I could take part in an RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program so that I could learn more about the faith. Of course, I probably heard most of the things they discuss in my years spent in Catholic grade school, high school, and college, but at that time in my life, it didn’t matter much to me. I would soak it all in now.

I never thought I would have the opportunity to take part in RCIA, but Fr. Patrick Schultz of Communion of Saints Parish in the Diocese of Cleveland is providing the opportunity for all who would like to join. He is making each of his parish’s RCIA classes available on Vimeo. This allows for anyone to watch at their own pace and on their own schedule.

This is perfect for those, like me, that have wanted to brush up on some of the basics of our faith, but don’t have the time or availability to attend classes. There are so many ways you can use these videos – PSR classes, small group Bible study, youth ministry,  and more.

This RCIA video series is a unique opportunity to learn the faith and discover the beauty of Catholicism in a comfortable, non-threatening setting. Fr. Patrick’s authentic, humorous style aims directly at the heart and invites people to encounter Jesus in a very real way. You don’t have to be a theologian to understand the lessons presented.  Even youth and teens can gain insight from the conversational style approach that Fr. Patrick uses. Fr. Patrick describes himself as ” a REAL priest who is really happy to let Jesus work through my real humanity.”

Thank you, Fr. Patrick for the wonderful blessing you’ve made available to those all around the world!

Below you will find the first few weeks of recorded classes to get you started. Visit Fr. Patrick’s Vimeo to continue watching each week.


WEEK 1: Introduction to RCIA, the process, the methodology and a little bit about Fr. Patrick’s testimony.


WEEK 2: This week at RCIA, we dove into the anthropology of the human heart, especially our restless hearts that seek to rest in God. And that the heart is the organ for seeing God.

WEEK 3: This journey is NOT (only) about learning new ideas – it’s about a person. Christian initiation is not about membership, but relationship…with a person. And that person, Jesus Christ, established a Church to facilitate our relationship with him. Therefore, the RCIA is a journey of the whole person into the heart and mind of Christ. If one learns all the right ideas, but never comes to meet Jesus, the person behind the ideas, then RCIA is for naught.


WEEK 4: The Scriptures are not merely words about God, but God’s word. There He speaks. If we develop the habit of “soaking” ourselves in the Word of God, we will, over time, become more and more attuned to God’s voice. While the disciplined study of the Scriptures is legitimate and worthwhile, the Scriptures were never written to be “studied,” per se. They were written to be prayed…to serve as a conduit to God…to be a place where the disciple could rest sweetly on the heart of the Father beating on every page of the Sacred text!

WEEK 5:  The Christian Contribution to Civilization

Without a doubt, Christianity and the disciples of Jesus who have lived the Church’s vision of the human person and the great call to love have been the single greatest force for good in this world. It was and is disciples of Jesus who champion justice, human dignity, education, science, literacy, and so much more.



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