Does God See My Pain? The Question That Holy Week Answers

by Catholic Media, Controversial Subjects, Faith & Life, Meaning of Suffering

“One of life’s greatest scandals is pain.” – Archbishop Fulton Sheen

In the midst of pain and suffering, it can be tempting to fall into despair and feel as though God does not see what we are going through. In this powerful video produced by Thing In A Pot Productions, the words of Archbishop Fulton Sheen are set to images that help us to visualize the depths of God’s understanding of our pain.

Does God See My Pain? Archbishop Fulton Sheen

We can find comfort in knowing that not only does God see our pain, but He has also felt our pain, bearing all sufferings when He walked on this Earth. Instead of falling into despair, run to Him and find hope. He will provide comfort and a peace that surpasses all understanding.


  1. Why is it meaningful that the God we serve felt the same types of pain and suffering that we deal with?
  2. What would you say to someone who claims that a loving God would not allow His people to suffer?
  3. What do you do in times of trials?
  4. What is a Bible verse that brings you comfort? Write it down and keep it for reference when you most need it.

More Resources

Thing In the Pot Productions has produced a series of video reflections on the teachings of Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Find more of them here!

The Sin-Bearer – Fulton Sheen Timeless Wisdom

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