A Love Letter To My Future Wife

by Love and Relationships, Marriage, Morals & Values

Dear Future Wife,

It’s funny to write this letter, and yet not know if you will ever read it…

Because where should I send it? I have no address for you. No phone number on which to contact you. Facebook and WhatsApp are of no use, and Skype and Instagram will not reveal your face to me… Uber cannot drive me to your door, and I know not where to book the train ticket to so that I may give it to you in person.

And yet, although we may not have met, I want you to know that I am here. That I have a phone number and a Facebook profile. I have a world – friends, family, hobbies, and interests – and I am looking towards the moment when our worlds shall meet, the moment when we get to open up our worlds to one another, and grow together in love.

I want you to know that I am waiting and that, already, I have chosen you. I have chosen you over all the false images of life and love that have been pumped into our culture. Because all these false images – the promiscuity, the egocentricity – none of them are able to inflame my heart a fraction of that which the thought of you does, the thought of one day being able to give my whole self to you in unconditional love.

But there’re some things I need you to know. I’m not perfect. I’m just a normal guy who is trying to choose to live out authentic love each day – along with many other normal guys who are doing the same – we are out there! And sometimes it’s really difficult. You need to know that I’m not going to save you, I know my weaknesses all too well, and I am no savior. But there is One who is our Savior. And I hope that you have met Him already. Even though I do not know you by name, He does. And I hope that wherever you are, you know that you are loved by Him infinitely more perfectly than I will ever manage.

I want you to know that I talk to God about you. As He loves you face to face now, I pray that I may also love you face to face. He is teaching me each day in small ways what it will take to love, and to lay down my life for you. In Him I see how to love authentically, and I choose to love you.

And so, I will continue to keep a watchful guard over my soul, that one day you will trust me and allow me to guard and protect yours too. By the grace of God I will lead you to heaven.

But that time is not yet. And I don’t want you to worry about how long it may be until we meet. I need you now to be running towards God, to run with Him. One day I will run with you, but please don’t wait to meet me before you start, for it will only be as we are both running towards God, with our gazes fixed upon Him, that our paths will cross. Know that I am running towards Him; however, know that it is often more of a 3000 meter hurdle race for me, than a 100 meter sprint, and that although I may come out of this a bit battered and bruised, in Him I will be made strong and ready for you.

Dear Future Wife, wherever you may be, know that love is a choice, and although I do not yet know who you are, and I do not know the things that make you smile or the things that make you laugh, or the things you find difficult or painful – know that I have chosen to love you. And that I will find you as we run side by side into the arms of Our Heavenly Father.

I hope that you are safe. I hope that you know that you are loved, and that you are immensely precious to my heart, and to the heart of God. May your Guardian Angel keep watch over you.

Please pray for me.

Your Future Husband




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