Check out this great video about “courage” by BluefishTv. In a society where many tend to seek out recognition, “likes”, publicity, and ratings, the firm and inner decision to live for what is true and good, no matter what, becomes all the more valuable.

It is apparent that the expression of one’s Catholic faith is evermore critiqued, whether it be in the news, at home, or at school. One must ask, “If the moment arrives, and the world turns against you, would you dare to say, ‘Yes?'”

When it’s your turn to dive, do you risk it all for truth? When Christian leadership lacks, do you stand up? When another’s pain is ignored and laughed at, do you help carry the cross? How you respond to these questions goes a long way in defining your Christian life. Let there be no doubt, the call to follow Christ is a call to courage.

Courage Is

As I was reading Pope Benedict’s message to the youth in Syria I couldn’t help but notice that he used the word “courage” 5 times.  I’ll leave a brief quote from his talk:

“In Christ you will find the strength and courage to advance along the paths of life, and to overcome difficulties and suffering. In Him you will find the source of joy. Christ says to you: My peace I give to you! (Jn 14:27). This is the true revolution brought by Christ: that of love.

A few concrete questions to ask after seeing the video: How do I understand courage? Am I a courageous person? In my day to day life, how am I being called to live out my faith with courage?

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