New Catholic Podcast Helping Young Adults On The Path To Holiness

by Catholic Media, Outstanding Initiatives

Are you searching for reading reflections that will take you deeper into your spiritual life and want to learn more about the Catholic faith? Welcome to the Stephen F. Austin Catholic Campus Ministry podcast! The SFA Podcast leads you to stretch your knowledge and see the Truth, Beauty and Goodness that God is and how He is working in your life.

This is a podcast dedicated to the homilies given by Fr. George Elliott from daily and Sunday Mass readings. Our Ministry’s mission “Come as jacks, leave as disciples” is fostered mostly through growing in our spiritual life, and can be done by listening to these homilies. This podcast started back in May 2020 and is still currently being updated throughout the week. New podcasts are uploaded every time Fr. George Elliott says Mass at St. Mary’s Catholic Campus Ministry. Find the SFA Podcast on Spotify HERE!

SFA Podcast: Simple Path To Holiness

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Who Is Fr. George?

Fr. George Elliott is a priest who had a vision, a vision which became a reality, a reality which became Catholic Bytes and today is now CAST. As such, he is Cast’s Founding Father, quite literally. His favorite topics of conversation are: the early Church, evangelization and which cartoon character captures your personality the best.

Though from North East Texas, and a priest for the Diocese of Tyler, Fr. Elliott has traveled the globe, obtaining a few degrees and mastering many languages on the way. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy with a minor in Classical Languages from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, an STB from the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, a License in Patristic Theology and Sciences from the Patristic Institute Augustinianum, and is now completing his Doctorate at the Pontifical Lateran University.

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Guest Author: Paige Nicklas is a senior at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX  graduating with an elementary education degree. I  am involved in St. Mary’s Catholic Campus Ministry as a student leader and a media intern. I was also in the sorority Chi Omega for my time here and lead a women’s catholic greek Bible study!

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