What is the Steward of the Kingdom? A steward is appointed by the ruling king or queen to represent them and help them to govern. Another word we could use to describe the steward is “prime minister.” In the Old Testament, the chief steward of the king was able to...
Catholic Church
Learn more about the history and legacy of the Catholic Church!
Five Reasons Not To Overlook The Bethlehem Shepherds
The Shepherds of Bethlehem are not really glamorous. They’re easy to take for granted. They’re not interesting exotic wizards from a distant land. They’re not powerful kings or tyrannical rulers. They’re just ordinary, working folks. Sure, they claimed to see a choir...
Las Posadas: Advent, Tradition, & Abuela’s Hot Chocolate
Las Posadas is an Advent tradition begun by Hispanic Catholics in the 16th century. Las Posadas means “the Inns,” and like a typical novena lasting nine days, the celebration spans the nine days before Christmas. Though it does involve knocking on doors and...
What Do We Mean When We Say Scripture Is Divinely Inspired?
Let’s start with a principle that can be observed throughout the whole history of the Church, and which drives the way I teach Church history and doctrine. As I tell my students, the truth is always “in the middle” – which is to say, the truth is always to be found in...
The Male Saints Listed In The Roman Canon
In Communion with Those Whose Memory We Venerate In the Roman Canon, the First Eucharistic Prayer, in the section called the Communicantes, we are reminded of our communion with the Apostles and Martyrs. After the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph are mentioned, then many...
A Pardon Crucifix: Should Catholics Have One?
One of the most common objects Catholics keep in their homes is a crucifix. Jesus’ suffering on the Cross is a reminder that his death was the means to destroying death. Many non-Catholics have charged Catholics with being too focused on the death of Christ rather...
What Is Memento Mori?
Author’s note: Are you contemplating taking your own life? - Please call or text 988 before you do anything else! There is always hope and always a better life just around the corner! You are not alone. Death is a Part of Our Fallen Reality Human beings are no...
Historical Fiction: The Celtic Origin Of Halloween
Diary Entry of the Abbot of Kells, Ireland - November 3, 1012 A.D. Samhain (pronounced “sow-in”) was here a couple of days ago. The Celtic people celebrate this day as the start of a new year each November 1. The summer was at an end and the harvest was beginning. The...
Rediscovering Metanoia And Our Salvation
Jesus calls his disciples to “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” in order to attain salvation in the kingdom of God (see Mk 1:15). But what is repentance (metanoia in Greek) and why is it necessary for salvation? These questions lead us to the very heart of the...
How Important Is The Catechism To The Catholic Church?
Something deeply rooted in human nature pushes us to seek understanding. We want to know why we exist, how we find happiness, and what happens when we die. St. Augustine understood that the answer to our questions lies in God. He believed faith in God brings a...
Is There A Lesson In This Artist’s Gruesome Depiction Of The Seven Deadly Sins?
“Yes, now’s the moment; I’m looking at this thing on the mantlepiece, and I understand that I am in hell.”— Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit, 1944 As most theologians point out, once we lose belief in God, it’s a short leap to the belief that there is no moral absolute, no...
Why Use A Missal (And How!)
What is the Roman Missal? The Roman Missal is (mostly) the big red book that the priest uses at the altar and at his chair when celebrating Mass. I say “mostly” because the Lectionary (which contains the readings) and the liturgical books containing the rites for the...
What Every Catholic Needs To Know About The Early Heresies
Anyone who wants to go deeper into their Christian faith will eventually come around to seeing the importance of the early Church, and those early Christian bishops, theologians, and catechists we call the Church fathers. When we say, “the early Church,” we’re talking...
The Saints Show Us How Stewardship Starts With Wonder
I am impressed every time my child spots a dandelion and plucks it as if something truly magnificent has captured his attention. This kind of wonder seems to fade as we get older. So I have always been interested in how the saints were able to not just maintain this...
Why It’s Important To Celebrate Easter EVERY Sunday Of The Year
The Sabbath Day Sunday, the seventh day of the week is the sabbath, a day of solemn rest, that is set aside for the Lord. This goes all the way back to the dawn of creation when God made everything in six days and then rested on the seventh. The Sabbath day also marks...
Why Every Friday Is Like A Mini Good Friday
What is Good Friday? Good Friday is the second day of the Sacred Triduum, in between Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil. Good Friday is the commemoration of the passion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. It is always three days before Easter, which marks...
Tithing: How Much Are We Called To Give The Church?
Giving to the Church There is one topic that no one wants to hear about in church: money. From my experience speaking to priests, they do not want to talk about it either. Ideally, the Parish would have enough money to cover expenses, expand programs, and provide for...
The First And Only Approved Marian Apparition In The United States: Our Lady Of Good Help
Who is Our Lady of Good Help? Listen to the story in this video from Champion Shrine in Wisconsin. Our Lady of Good Help is the United States' first and only approved Marian Apparition Site. In 1859, our Blessed Mother appeared to a young woman named Adele Brise,...
Are The Demands Of The Church Too Much For Modern Catholics?
In this modern day and age, the beliefs and teachings of the Catholic Church can seem archaic and over the top. They certainly seem this way to people outside of the Church but more and more, this pervasive belief is growing within the Church as well. It...
What In The World Is Candlemas?
Candlemas Day Candlemas is the colloquial name for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord which is celebrated on February 2. In the new calendar (1970), the Christmas season ends with the Baptism of the Lord in early January. However, traditionally, Candlemas was...
Why Do Catholics Light Candles?
Candles are Practical The word candle comes from the Latin “to burn.” Candles have been used since human beings have been able to start fire. Rudimentary wicks were encased in wax or animal fat and burned for light in the dark hours of the day. Oil candles were also...
The 4 Mindsets That Are Deeply Hurting Catholic Communities All Around The World
Over the past year, my team and I made it a priority to truly understand the concerns and pain points of Catholic communities around the country. After hundreds of conversations with bishops, priests, communications directors, parishioners, and ministry group leaders,...
The Special Virtue Of Thankfulness
The Virtue of Thankfulness: Simply Justice or Piety? The act of gratitude or being thankful is something which is seen as important both in the Church and in the broader human family. Gratitude is universally important for human relationships to flourish. Who wants to...
Why Do We Sing At Mass?
Love and Song Over fifty percent of popular songs are about love, whether in the classical era or today. Paul McCartney’s song Silly Love Songs makes this observation when he says, “You’d think that people would’ve had enough of...
What Is Sin And What Are Its Effects?
Called to Conversion We are all called to conversion. This was a fundamental part of the proclamation of the kingdom of God and the Gospel. The first call to Christ and His Gospel leads us to Baptism in which we receive “the...